Why is it always the Econ Majors?
In this case, it was probably because—unlike the Vice Presidential candidate whose account he allegedly accessed—David Kernell tries to figure out how the world works.
In this case, it was probably because—unlike the Vice Presidential candidate whose account he allegedly accessed—David Kernell tries to figure out how the world works.
“This isn’t a matter of dissing Microsoft, but Intel information technology staff just found no compelling case for adopting Vista,” the person said. From here, h/t Felix.
I mentioned this at Marginal Utility, but agree with rdan that it’s worth mentioning to the (somewhat larger) AngryBear readership. Kathryn Cramer has done some work with Wikipedia’s External Links tool. The results are interesting, and I suspect the more tech-savvy (or persistent) than I will be able to leverage the work. Discuss amongst yourselves.
I want to talk about something of which I know nothing: Wireless Internet Access. We spent the weekend in pgl-land (NYC), at a friend’s apartment. Since he’s a rather prominent computer graphics designer, I assumed, incorrectly, that he would have some form of Internet access at home.* So I did what I always do: opened […]