Do I Hear $500 Billion 420 billion, 420 billion! Going once, going twice, 450 billion! Do I hear 475? 450 billion going once, going–$480 billion! Do I hear $500 billion? AB P.S. Technically, the auction should have started around $250 billion, corresponding to the administration’s projections back in February. P.P.S. And what’s this about: “To […]
From Angry Bear to the Front Page of the New York Times Last Thursday, Guest-blogger Kash wrote about the rising issue of China, its currency, and the trade deficit with China (“2. There’s growing discussion about the value of the Chinese yuan against the dollar…[snip]…My prediction: these issues are going be HUGE in the not-too-distant […]
Not Just Politics and Law Go read Dwight Meredith’s blog. Start here and read every post above. Or start here and work down. AB
More Free Trade First, this issue is important. Second, it seems to generate a lot of action in the comments. So I’ll keep harping on the subject until I encounter diminishing returns. In practice, free trade is not an unmitigated good, but the world is better off when all goods and services are produced in […]
Tariffs and Trade Volokh contributor Jacob Levy has a New Republic piece on protectionism, a subject that came up in one of Kash’s posts and the comments therein. Here’s Levy’s key paragraph, but read the whole thing: Agricultural protectionism–the combination of quotas, tariffs, and subsidies for farm products–may be the purest example of destructive special-interest […]
Stop Watching Ads I’m think that Salon is worth the price, Sully and Horowitz notwithstanding. Right now, they’ve got a great deal: Get “Lies” for free. Get a FREE copy of Joe Conason’s new book “Big Lies” when you subscribe to Salon Premium today. Hurry, quantities are limited AB
Life and Liberty (.gov) In the car yesterday, I caught the tail end of a radio editorial by a guy named Dave Ross, who apparently has a talk show in Seattle and also does syndicated commentary for CBS radio. This particular editorial was on the government’s relax, don’t worry about your civil liberties site,, […]
I’m Back! The vacation was great, though I’ve lost track of current events somewhat. Fortunately, reading the bloggers on the left (that is, the left panel of this web page) and the links therein should catch me up nicely. Special thanks to Kash for filling in during my absence. I think he did a great […]
Fox Loses From the AP: U.S. District Judge Denny Chin said the book — “Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right” — is a parody protected by the First Amendment. “There are hard cases and there are easy cases,” the judge said. “This is an easy […]
Hypnotic Wow, now this is a story from today’s Guardian that has nothing to do with anything, but is simply bizarre.