Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Rand Paul* Says That If He Becomes President, He Will Give In To Dem Demands To Dictate Union and Tax Law. Oh, and the Farm Bill and Environmental Law. Really.

Hot Mic Catches Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul Scheming Here’s the transcript, notice the focus on principle: PAUL: I just did CNN, and I just go over and over again: “We’re willing to compromise! We’re willing to negotiate.!” I don’t think they poll tested “we won’t negotiate.” I think it’s awful for [Democrats] to say […]

Dear GOP: a Daily Kos staff reminder on the constitutional process for changing the law

by Linda Beale Dear GOP: a Daily Kos staff reminder on the constitutional process for changing the law The Tea Party/GOP coalition has often talked about the importance of the Constitution, but one can’t help wondering if the recent extortionist behavior doesn’t belie that, when the governnment shutdown it has caused as a means of […]

Chris Hayes, Why don’t you have me on as a guest?

On October 2, 2013 Chris Hayes had on Larry Kudlow to discuss the economics of the government shut down.  All I can say is, I could not believe he was the one Chris went to for insight.  Maybe he had to because, you know, Kudlow is related to him via the network they work at.  But really, […]

Why Do People Prefer the Affordable Care Act Over Obamacare?

Affordable Care act versus Obamacare Act I will give you, there is nothing within this bill that is easy to understand. Along with Maggie Mahar and others, I took the time to read the act and attempt to understand it which even today causes me fits. As shown in this clip, many people can distinguish […]

Just a little (semi)-personal note

Just about everyone who knows me well knows that I’m a WWII buff and have a very soft spot for veterans of that war.  So this really touched me. I thought some other Bears and readers, who don’t read the Washington Post regularly and would otherwise miss seeing this, might enjoy this little reason to […]

Chris Hayes Explains the PPACA for Fox and Friends

Obama Care for Fox News and Friends Not that they have any interest in reality at the moment. The Republicans have worked themselves into a frenzy that resembles the adolescent girls who accused the Salem townspeople of witchcraft at this point. This is how they look: Maybe it is time to take away the beer? […]

Cruz, Tea Party, Hostage-Taking Budget Tactics (and the IRS)

by Linda Beale Cruz, Tea Party, Hostage-Taking Budget Tactics (and the IRS) The House, dominated by Tea Party/GOP politicians (or those fearful of their impact on upcoming primaries) passed a bill that attempted to tie the continuing operations of the government to compliance with Tea Party ideas about getting rid of the health reform legislation […]

Water, Mars. and curiosity

Curiosity’s SAM Instrument Finds Water and More in Surface Sample Sept 26, 2013 The first scoop of soil analyzed by the analytical suite in the belly of NASA’s Curiosity rover reveals that fine materials on the surface of the planet contain several percent water by weight. The results were published today in Science as one […]

October 1st, A New Republican Proposal, and the Bad News Bears

October 1st, the country and government will once again be held captive by minority political interests seeking to force their will upon a country which did not endorse them or their beliefs in the last election. Radical House Republicans have come back with another proposal which seeks to delay the PPACA for one year, removes […]