Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Breast Cancer: Catching Up With Amy Berman, a Woman Who Chose Life Over Longevity

On Breast Cancer and the chose of life over longevity, Maggie Mahar; The Healthbeat  Blog Life Over Longevity HealthBeat readers may remember the two-part post that I wrote about Amy Berman back in October of 2011. Part 1 began: “When Amy Berman was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer a year ago, she made a […]

Fair Market Valuation; CBO, Student Loans, Food Stamps, Etc.

Earlier in 2013, CBO’s Douglas Elmendorf’s forecasted return on Student Loan’s resulting in a positive return for the Government. Later Elmendorf reversed the forecast claiming student loans would cost the government and the taxpayers by generating a negative return. Using one cost model (FCRA) to estimate the return, the government will make $184 billion on […]

Why Do People Prefer the Affordable Care Act Over Obamacare?

Affordable Care act versus Obamacare Act I will give you, there is nothing within this bill that is easy to understand. Along with Maggie Mahar and others, I took the time to read the act and attempt to understand it which even today causes me fits. As shown in this clip, many people can distinguish […]

Chris Hayes Explains the PPACA for Fox and Friends

Obama Care for Fox News and Friends Not that they have any interest in reality at the moment. The Republicans have worked themselves into a frenzy that resembles the adolescent girls who accused the Salem townspeople of witchcraft at this point. This is how they look: Maybe it is time to take away the beer? […]

October 1st, A New Republican Proposal, and the Bad News Bears

October 1st, the country and government will once again be held captive by minority political interests seeking to force their will upon a country which did not endorse them or their beliefs in the last election. Radical House Republicans have come back with another proposal which seeks to delay the PPACA for one year, removes […]

Senator Sanders on the The Transformation of American Society

This is an 11 minute clip of his speech, “The Lone Star Strategy.” It is worth a listen. The Lone Star Strategy Senator Bernie Sanders Republicans’ efforts to cut food stamps and defund the Affordable Care Act are just “the beginning of the game,” Sanders said. “All of these issues are related to something that […]

Maggie Mahar Healthbeat Blog: Reverse “Sticker Shock” Part 2 –Subsidies Mean Enormous Saving for Older Americans

In the past I have written about how government tax credits will help young adults (18-34) who must buy their own coverage because they don’t have access to “affordable, comprehensive” employer-sponsored coverage. But older Americans forced to purchase their own insurance will save even more. Precisely because a 50-year-old’s premiums may be three times higher […]

Maggie Mahar Healthbeat Blog: Reverse “ Sticker Shock”— Why are Insurance Rates in the State Marketplaces Lower Than Expected? — Part I

Even Forbes’ columnist Avik Roy is recanting. Earlier this month he acknowledged that under Obamacare, many Americans who buy their own coverage in 2014 will find that insurance is significantly more affordable than it was in the past: “Three states will see meaningful declines in rates: Colorado (34 percent), Ohio (30 percent), and New York […]

Will You Be Eligible for A Government Subsidy When You Buy Health Insurance in 2014? Check out Your “Modified Adjusted Gross Income” (MAGI) –You May Be Pleasantly Surprised

Maggie Mahar comments on the Modified Adjusted Gross Income and how this may positively impact your eligibility for healthcare insurance on the state exchanges. Before writing this post, I had no idea how to calculate my “Modified Adjusted Gross Income” (MAGI). But I did know that this is the number the IRS will use when […]

“The Rest of The Story”

Somewhere along the way, the naysayers and the Repubs will find a way to turn this into a negative “Trader Joe’s Cut Health Benefits Last Week”  Last week Ezra Klein wrote about Trader Joe’s decision to cut health insurance benefits for employees who work fewer than 30 hours a week. After that, one reader forwarded […]