Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Follow up to Pro life position and good business

by cactus Following up my post earlier this week on abortion, I was thinking about some of the comments left by readers and I decided to follow a simple thought experiment. I was thinking about what happens when parents split up and one gets custody of the kids – usually the other is required to […]

Obama in Cairo, Egypt

rdan To begin the conversation now over the next few years. What do we stand for? What is our story? A great start. Update: h/t MG for the transcript of the speech.


Robert Waldmann lifted from Robert’s Stochastic Thoughts From Scotusblog via Hilzoy. In Pappas v. Giuliani, 290 F.3d 143 (2002), [judge Sotomayor] dissented from the majority’s holding that the NYPD could fire a white employee for distributing racist materials. OK so the reverse racist Latina wasn’t quite so intollerant of white racism as the majority of […]

Made in China means quality

rdan The blog Name Wire poses a potent question on perception of value and who builds a product: The recent news that China has surpassed the US as the world’s second largest exporter — now making more cars than Detroit — has got me thinking about what “Made in China” means to US consumers. Nowadays, […]

Auto thinking

rdan James Kwak of Baseline Scenario asks an important basic question concerning the statement that ‘big cars are inherently more profitable for car companies, so smaller is bad for profits’, and comes up with this part answer: because we think they do in America, so we can charge more. Anything else you can think of […]

The Pro-Life Position and Good Business Practice

by cactus The Pro-Life Position and Good Business Practice Around the time of the Schiavo affair, Angry Bear (the blogger himself!) wrote a post which discussed, among other things, the case of Sam Hudson, a comatose boy who died after his feeding tube was removed by the hospital. That was done against the wishes of […]

Just a women’s issue

rdan Women’s e news carries a note on a time honored business plan, paying locals to not interfere with production. This is probably not taught to high school kids in America, or college, but most of us benefit at least through cell phones, i pods, and computers on a daily basis. Best to ignore the […]

Assassination by a lone man…free speech does need careful protection

rdan All of us might reflect on Frank Schaeffer’s words concerning hate and incendiary speech. Automatic slogans that tap deep emotion comes easily to all at points in their lives. Assassinations are ‘contagious’ at times. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Facts That Remain True After the Evidence Proves them Wrong

by cactus Facts That Remain True After the Evidence Proves them Wrong It wasn’t that long ago that much praise was being heard (in certain circles) about all sorts of things that have all kind of imploded as of late. Its 4 AM as I write this, but off the top of my head I’m […]