Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Credit card delinquencies and balances fall 2Q

Transunion reports: TransUnion’s quarterly analysis of trends in the credit card industry revealed that the national credit card delinquency rate (the ratio of bankcard borrowers 90 days or more delinquent on one or more of their credit cards) decreased to 0.92 percent in the second quarter of 2010, down 17.1 percent over the previous quarter. […]

Dealing with the Sunset of the Bush Tax Cuts (Part IV in a series)–the Tax Relief Coalition

by Linda Bealecrossposted with Ataxingmatter Dealing with the Sunset of the Bush Tax Cuts (Part IV in a series)–the Tax Relief Coalition The Tax Relief Coalition–another of the myriad anti-tax groups comprised of Grover Norquist’s group and those of similar ideology–is at it again with a letter to Congress (available on BNA) urging the passage […]

Alan Simpson on Social Security

I have no words for this e-mail to OWL by Alan Simpson on Social Security: I’ve made some plenty smart cracks about people on Social Security who milk it to the last degree. You know ‘em too. It’s the same with any system in America. We’ve reached a point now where it’s like a milk […]

Licensing fees and taxes for bloggers

Hat tip r.j.sigmund for finding this leading to the Philadelphia City Paper: Philadelphia Demands License Fee and Taxes from Bloggers Philadelphia bloggers were dispatched letters informing them that they owe $300 for a [lifetime] privilege license [or $50 per year for an annual license], plus taxes on any profits they made. Even if, as with […]

Not Replacing 1970’s Military Equipment

by reader Ilsm Misspent Tax Dollars for Profits, Not Replacing 1970’s Military Equipment US outlays for military programs are wasted through mismanagement and neglect: these must not be spared in spending cuts. 20% of US government outlays are for the Defense Department. Something that needs to be to considered while reading the report is that […]

6% of GDP…so what!

Lifted from an e-mail from Dale Coberly regarding Social Security and the dangers of increasing ‘costs’ of helping our old folk live a bit above a level of destitution: …that while SS will eventually cost 6% of GDP, this is not a lot of money for the basic needs of 25% of the population. Moreover, […]

Considering the ill-advisedness of favoring capital income

by Linda Bealecrossposted with Ataxingmatter Dealing with the Sunset of the Bush Tax Cuts (Part III in a series)–considering the ill-advisedness of favoring capital income During the Bush administration a number of significant reductions in revenue were enacted, especially in the 2001 and 2003 tax bills, but with a sunsetting provision that (extended in some […]

HEALTH CARE thoughts: Resident Rights versus Caregiver Rights

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt HEALTH CARE: Resident Rights versus Caregiver Rights In 1987 the federal government passed a comprehensive “bill of rights” for nursing home patients. Most states followed. The law gives nursing home residents wide protection, including (when mentally able) the ability to refuse care, meals and just about anything else they please. […]

Prices as virtuous

Yves Smith, excerpted from her post Boston Fed’s New Excuse for Missing the Housing Bubble: NoneOfUscouddanode. This part caught my eye in addition to the critique: The problem is that mainstream economics sees prices as a virtuous. Everything can be solved by price. If there is some unbalance in the economy, it merely means prices […]