Is NPR Prohibited from Talking About Profit Margins?

by Dean Baker

In the case of the restaurant sector, after seeing a big jump in profits in the pandemic, many of the big chains now appear to be losing customers and are feeling pressure to cut prices. Rather than presenting this as a positive development, NPR is presenting it as evidence of a weak economy where consumers can no longer afford to eat out.

Their piece on Thursday presented this as a widespread problem. In addition to McDonald’s, which it discussed in a piece on Monday, it also talked about Starbucks, Dennys, and a number of other chains, all of which are apparently seeing a drop in sales.

These chains would be happy to keep their profit margins, but apparently the conditions of competition are preventing them from doing so and now they are lowering their prices. Most people would probably view this as a positive story. It means lower prices for consumers or at least lower inflation.

Incredibly, NPR literally never mentioned profit margins in either piece. It presented this news as a bad economy story where people no longer have the money to eat out.

It seems that no matter what the economy does, much of the media is determined to present a bad economy story. That is pretty incredible when we just had the longest stretch of low unemployment in 70 years and real wages are rising at a healthy pace, in spite of the disruptions created by the pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  

More on pricing tomorrow.