Roberts Well Played Act as Centrist on the Court

We (Slate) Helped John Roberts Construct His Image as a Centrist. We Were So Wrong.

I myself am pretty much McCutcheoned out by now, but before I take a break from it, I want to make two suggestions to progressives.  One is that they look ahead to when the current ideological majority no longer holds the majority–Ginsburg and Breyer are not the only justices who are aging, Ginsburg is not the only one who has health problems–and start selecting various statutes they dislike, and plan to challenge them as unconstitutional.

SCOTUS: We helped John Roberts build a centrist image. We were wrong, SLATE, Dahlia Lithwick and Joseph Stern

John Roberts Unwittingly Paves the Way for Eventual Wholesale Liberal Judicial Repeal of Statutes, Too, Angry Bear