California Sues Exxon Over Decades of Plastics Deception in First-of-Its-Kind Lawsuit

by Edward Carver

Common Dreams

“Attorney General Bonta is leading the way to corporate accountability and a cleaner and healthier world. This lawsuit will set an invaluable precedent for others to follow.”

Wiles of CCI drew a parallel between the newly announced suit and the dozens of climate suits that had preceded it, saying they both target the same types of lies. He stated . . .

“From climate to plastics, Exxon’s entire business model is based on lying to the public about the harms its products cause.”.

In recent years, the petrochemical industry has touted “advanced recycling. “This is called “chemical recycling,” in which plastic waste is broken down into virgin-like new material. However, the statement from Bonta’s office argues that there are severe limitations to the technology and says that ExxonMobil’s advanced recycling program is “nothing more than a public relations stunt meant to encourage the public to keep purchasing single-use plastics that are fueling the plastics pollution crisis.”