It’s where trump has led us. And beware so called progressives that complain against russiaphobia(I particularly liked the analogy with McCarhtyism). They interfered with our elections and they are going to do it again.
“You may recall that when the Mueller Report was finally finished and handed over to the Justice Department, Attorney General William Barr decided to immediately release his own four-page summary of the findings. Later, when the full report was released, we discovered that Barr’s summary was less than totally accurate. Barr, it turned out, had put a pretty big thumb on the scale in favor of his boss, Donald Trump.
But that wasn’t the end. Even the full report was full of redactions, which Barr insisted were only those required by law or national security interests. But was Barr to be believed? A federal judge today ruled otherwise:
‘The Court cannot reconcile certain public representations made by Attorney General Barr with the findings in the Mueller Report. The inconsistencies between Attorney General Barr’s statements, made at a time when the public did not have access to the redacted version of the Mueller Report to assess the veracity of his statements, and portions of the redacted version of the Mueller Report that conflict with those statements cause the Court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller Report to the contrary.
These circumstances generally, and Attorney General Barr’s lack of candor specifically, call into question Attorney General Barr’s credibility and in turn, the Department’s representation that “all of the information redacted from the version of the [Mueller] Report released by [] Attorney General [Barr]” is protected from disclosure by its claimed FOIA exemptions. In the Court’s view, Attorney General Barr’s representation that the Mueller Report would be “subject only to those redactions required by law or by compelling law enforcement, national security, or personal privacy interests” cannot be credited without the Court’s independent verification in light of Attorney General Barr’s conduct and misleading public statements about the findings in the Mueller Report.’
In other words: you lied about the Mueller Report, so why shouldn’t I believe that you’re lying about the redactions too?
How often does a conservative federal judge call a conservative attorney general a liar whose word can’t be trusted? Not very often. But Barr is a special case.
Trump gets handed an economy moving forward; takes the credit;now faces his first crisis; and is getting hoisted on his own petard. And no, I am not rooting for great effects on our economy. Just pointing out his stupidity.
“If the coronavirus becomes very widespread, we could see enormous economic impacts. If people become very worried that they can catch the disease if they go out in public, this will mean many fewer people will go to restaurants, sports events, movie theaters and concerts, or anyone else where they are likely to be in close proximity to large numbers of people. Many of these businesses are likely to shut down, at least until the major threat of the virus has passed.
Plane travel will also be drastically curtailed, as few people will want to be on a crowded plane, which could include several people with the virus. That will be a huge blow to the tourism industry, as people put off vacations, until the threat lessons.
There are few areas of the economy that would not be affected if the virus becomes as widespread as was the case in Wuhan China and possibly now in parts of Japan. It would be good if the United States had an effective public health team that could take the necessary steps to limit the spread of the virus. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) does have top-notch experts in this area.
However, it is not clear that they will be making the big decisions. Trump has placed Vice-President Pence in charge of the response to the epidemic. Pence is a person who does not believe in evolution or climate change. In other words, science is not his strong suit.
Furthermore, it is clear that Trump and Pence are more worried about the politics around Coronavirus than effective steps to stop its spread. They have demanded that all public statements about the disease must first be cleared with Pence. They have already acted to punish a whistleblower who called attention to the fact that passengers exposed to the virus on a cruise ship were greeted by people without protective gear and without medical training.
We may still get lucky, and the spread of the virus may be fairly limited in the United States. But with the containment effect being led by a bunch of vindictive clowns, people are quite right to be worried about the public’s health and prospects for the economy.”
Angela Merkel’s rush to take in immigrants from the middle east in 2015 was a mistake. And she dragged the European Union (EU) right along with her.
The message to poorly educated non German speaking immigrants was that Germany and the EU would take care of them.
The message to Turkey was that Germany and the EU would take any and all immigrants off their hands.
In 2015 the people in Europe did not understand what was going to happen to them. They trusted their government leaders too much.
Then came the rising crime rate, the British voting to leave the European Union, the Germans growing dislike for Angela Merkel’s political party, and the growing demands by muslim immigrants for Sharia law.
Allowing large numbers of poorly educated non German speaking immigrants was predictably disastrous. How long does it take the less educated to learn a second language? How were those immigrants supposed to earn a living? And without employment what were they supposed to do with their excess of idle time?
It would be easy to blame the muslim immigrants for their failure to adjust to secular government and completely unfair. All of their lives they have lived in societies which closely linked government and religion. They were told from early in life that Allah’s government is the only government worth having. That having their government enforce religious dogma was an imperative to peaceful coexistence for themselves, their families, and their fellow citizens. And along with that dogma came patriarchal systems. Systems set up to reduce conflict between men and which completely disregarded the welfare of women in their societies. Their governments were popular and in some cases democratically elected by men and women.
Now Turkey is trying to blackmail NATO into supporting its military involvement in Syria.
What good is education, if the educated do not learn to think before acting.
“and the growing demands by muslim immigrants for Sharia law.”
“In short, Sessions will now have to go through a run-off with Tommy Tuberville, whose only qualification for political office in Alabama is the nine years he spent coaching football at Auburn. (He beat Alabama six years in a row, which makes his showing Tuesday night all the more remarkable.) There followed two more coaching stops and, most recently, a transformation into a more-MAGA-than-thou politician.
As a candidate, Tuberville enlivened the debate by crusading against those communities in Alabama plagued by sharia law, and that’s not a typo, either. From the Washington Post:
‘Trump hasn’t endorsed a candidate in the primary, and he isn’t expected to; in the 2017 primary, he endorsed Luther Strange, who lost to Roy Moore. Still, this month, when Tuberville started his tour, he made sure to get Trump’s name on the bus. Then, during one of his first stops, he said that communities that practice sharia law make it so “you can’t drive through a neighborhood.”
“Why?” he went on. “Because terrorism has taken over.”’
So the Republican runoff will be conducted between one guy that the president* considers an ur-turncoat and another guy who thinks the president* is a gift sent straight from god, and that isn’t a typo, either.
“God sent us Donald Trump,” Tuberville says in a television ad that began airing this month, “because God knew we were in trouble… “They told me we got more Middle Easterners coming across the border than we do Mexicans,” Tuberville told a gathering of Alabama Republicans in June. “This was before the caravans started coming. I said, ‘What are you talking about?’ He said they’re coming all over the Middle East. They’re coming across the border, and they ain’t leaving. They’re coming for a reason. Folks, they’re taking over, and if we don’t open our eyes, it is going to be over with.” ‘
Curiously, the “sharia law people” all seem to share the same views. They of course have no answer why in muslim dominated countries, there is sharia law for muslims, and civil law for non-muslims.
I read the article you tapped into in your commentary. From my reading, it appears Jones may have a chance to repeat as Senator given the trump-backed and the trump-discard candidates go at it plus a large turnout by Black American voters. Sessions will run even if he loses in the runoff. In eastern Michigan, we have a large Middle Eastern population. There has been a few instances of sharia law (although not the norm) being applied which have made it into the courts. The neighborhoods are safe and the food is great. This appears to be another fear – provoking political advertisement casting immigrants are evil so we have to protect ourselves against them and I am the man to do it effort.
I found an interesting book which I am going to lay my hands on once I find it.
It is a straightforward exploration into the heart of Trump’s America, where people know that guns kill, where they know that they have terrible medical care, and where it simply doesn’t matter to them because at least the Mexicans and welfare queens are not getting any benefits either. Jonathan Metzl goes to hospitals where people simply tell him they would rather die than have Obamacare go to the undeserving. For very much working class whites, race simply means far, far more to them than class and it means more to them than their own lives. They are comfortable with their own death under terrible healthcare or no healthcare conditions. An old mentality of if I am going to die, I will take as many of them with me.
“Dying of Whiteness, How the Politics of Racial Resentment is Killing America’s Heartland”
“Sharia Law Countries 2020
Sharia law is the laws that are used to govern the lives of Muslims. These laws have been derived from multiple sources, including the Muslim holy book known as the Qur’an and the sayings of the prophet Muhammad from the Hadith.”
I had always felt that Angela Merkel’s immigration policies had more to do with the ECB, Bundesbank and EU’s favoring austerity. Adding a million consumers to an economy headed to recession was one of the few paths available to her to inflate the economy.
As a regular reader but seldom commentator I find Jim H.’s comments not worthy.
You are correct in making a statement on adding more consumers to a slowing economy. There is another angle to adding more people to the population. The point I would stress of this migration is the age of the migrants. Germany is one of the European countries which has an aging population the same as the US although the US is not in as serious condition. If labor is not to end and I for now do not seeing it ending, Germany will need more and younger man and woman power to maintain its productivity. Keeping the workforce young is a worthy goal and accepting immigrants is one way of doing such.
Just another point I do not believe you would find to be erroneous.
Heim wrote: “Adding a million consumers to an economy headed to recession was one of the few paths available to her to inflate the economy.”
You can not be serious!
By your reasoning, what developed countries need are more unemployable, government supported residents.
If dispensing government money into the economy is necessary then the government could just reduce taxes on all low income earners. They would spend the money!
Adding more and more undereducated non German speakers to Germany is the best formula that I can think of to bring on civil strife far into the future.
I assume that those immigrants are of at least of average intelligence, but they will spend years becoming fluent in German.During that time, they will see the way that more educated Germans live and they will want that for themselves. The resentment will build.
And plunging immigrants into a foreign culture presents the opportunity for all sorts of misunderstandings on both sides. (On both religious and civil matters)
As far as youthful migrants are concerned, remember that the young require more prison space.
I have read that the crime rate in the US fell in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Coincidently that was when the huge US baby boom generation aged into their 40s.
This will not be like the assimilation of East Germany into modern Germany. That was expensive but the east Germans spoke German and shared much of the same history, religion, and culture. And it was quite easy for east Germans to give up the means and methods of their former government.
Not like Drum to post something like this. But inhuman statements and thoughts perhaps justifies it.
“The more that Donald Trump’s latest coronavirus press avail sinks in, the angrier I get. There he is, mugging for the camera. Interrupting Alex Azar when he’s on the verge of telling the truth about something. Bloviating about how he’s some kind of innate medical genius. Complaining that he doesn’t want to unload passengers from a cruise ship because it might hurt his numbers. Griping that the Dow was all set to hit 30,000 until this whole virus thing hit. Bragging about the small number of deaths so far. Apparently demanding that every actual professional kowtow to him in public. Saying that he’s not to blame for cutting back on pandemic preparedness because “this is something that you can never really think is going to happen.” Clowning about how the testing has been perfect, “like the letter was perfect.” Snickering about how he told Mike Pence not to compliment a governor who had been mean to him. Bragging that he’s not bothering to take any special protections.
Jesus. Does he think this whole thing is just a big joke? Is he going to keep acting like a combination of court jester and Pollyanna-in-chief when the number of deaths hits a hundred? Or a thousand? Is there anyone left on his staff who can tell him to start acting like a president?
I have never wished medical problems on anyone. I didn’t want George Bush to choke on a pretzel or Dick Cheney to have a heart attack. Just not my style. But honest to God, if there’s one person on this planet who deserves to be infected with coronavirus, it’s Donald Trump.”
It’s where trump has led us. And beware so called progressives that complain against russiaphobia(I particularly liked the analogy with McCarhtyism). They interfered with our elections and they are going to do it again.
“You may recall that when the Mueller Report was finally finished and handed over to the Justice Department, Attorney General William Barr decided to immediately release his own four-page summary of the findings. Later, when the full report was released, we discovered that Barr’s summary was less than totally accurate. Barr, it turned out, had put a pretty big thumb on the scale in favor of his boss, Donald Trump.
But that wasn’t the end. Even the full report was full of redactions, which Barr insisted were only those required by law or national security interests. But was Barr to be believed? A federal judge today ruled otherwise:
‘The Court cannot reconcile certain public representations made by Attorney General Barr with the findings in the Mueller Report. The inconsistencies between Attorney General Barr’s statements, made at a time when the public did not have access to the redacted version of the Mueller Report to assess the veracity of his statements, and portions of the redacted version of the Mueller Report that conflict with those statements cause the Court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller Report to the contrary.
These circumstances generally, and Attorney General Barr’s lack of candor specifically, call into question Attorney General Barr’s credibility and in turn, the Department’s representation that “all of the information redacted from the version of the [Mueller] Report released by [] Attorney General [Barr]” is protected from disclosure by its claimed FOIA exemptions. In the Court’s view, Attorney General Barr’s representation that the Mueller Report would be “subject only to those redactions required by law or by compelling law enforcement, national security, or personal privacy interests” cannot be credited without the Court’s independent verification in light of Attorney General Barr’s conduct and misleading public statements about the findings in the Mueller Report.’
In other words: you lied about the Mueller Report, so why shouldn’t I believe that you’re lying about the redactions too?
How often does a conservative federal judge call a conservative attorney general a liar whose word can’t be trusted? Not very often. But Barr is a special case.
Trump gets handed an economy moving forward; takes the credit;now faces his first crisis; and is getting hoisted on his own petard. And no, I am not rooting for great effects on our economy. Just pointing out his stupidity.
“If the coronavirus becomes very widespread, we could see enormous economic impacts. If people become very worried that they can catch the disease if they go out in public, this will mean many fewer people will go to restaurants, sports events, movie theaters and concerts, or anyone else where they are likely to be in close proximity to large numbers of people. Many of these businesses are likely to shut down, at least until the major threat of the virus has passed.
Plane travel will also be drastically curtailed, as few people will want to be on a crowded plane, which could include several people with the virus. That will be a huge blow to the tourism industry, as people put off vacations, until the threat lessons.
There are few areas of the economy that would not be affected if the virus becomes as widespread as was the case in Wuhan China and possibly now in parts of Japan. It would be good if the United States had an effective public health team that could take the necessary steps to limit the spread of the virus. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) does have top-notch experts in this area.
However, it is not clear that they will be making the big decisions. Trump has placed Vice-President Pence in charge of the response to the epidemic. Pence is a person who does not believe in evolution or climate change. In other words, science is not his strong suit.
Furthermore, it is clear that Trump and Pence are more worried about the politics around Coronavirus than effective steps to stop its spread. They have demanded that all public statements about the disease must first be cleared with Pence. They have already acted to punish a whistleblower who called attention to the fact that passengers exposed to the virus on a cruise ship were greeted by people without protective gear and without medical training.
We may still get lucky, and the spread of the virus may be fairly limited in the United States. But with the containment effect being led by a bunch of vindictive clowns, people are quite right to be worried about the public’s health and prospects for the economy.”
Angela Merkel’s rush to take in immigrants from the middle east in 2015 was a mistake. And she dragged the European Union (EU) right along with her.
The message to poorly educated non German speaking immigrants was that Germany and the EU would take care of them.
The message to Turkey was that Germany and the EU would take any and all immigrants off their hands.
In 2015 the people in Europe did not understand what was going to happen to them. They trusted their government leaders too much.
Then came the rising crime rate, the British voting to leave the European Union, the Germans growing dislike for Angela Merkel’s political party, and the growing demands by muslim immigrants for Sharia law.
Allowing large numbers of poorly educated non German speaking immigrants was predictably disastrous. How long does it take the less educated to learn a second language? How were those immigrants supposed to earn a living? And without employment what were they supposed to do with their excess of idle time?
It would be easy to blame the muslim immigrants for their failure to adjust to secular government and completely unfair. All of their lives they have lived in societies which closely linked government and religion. They were told from early in life that Allah’s government is the only government worth having. That having their government enforce religious dogma was an imperative to peaceful coexistence for themselves, their families, and their fellow citizens. And along with that dogma came patriarchal systems. Systems set up to reduce conflict between men and which completely disregarded the welfare of women in their societies. Their governments were popular and in some cases democratically elected by men and women.
Now Turkey is trying to blackmail NATO into supporting its military involvement in Syria.
What good is education, if the educated do not learn to think before acting.
The path to hell is paved with good intentions.
Now Turkey is trying to coerce NATO into supporting its military involvement in Syria by threatening to flood Europe with more immigrants.
“and the growing demands by muslim immigrants for Sharia law.”
“In short, Sessions will now have to go through a run-off with Tommy Tuberville, whose only qualification for political office in Alabama is the nine years he spent coaching football at Auburn. (He beat Alabama six years in a row, which makes his showing Tuesday night all the more remarkable.) There followed two more coaching stops and, most recently, a transformation into a more-MAGA-than-thou politician.
As a candidate, Tuberville enlivened the debate by crusading against those communities in Alabama plagued by sharia law, and that’s not a typo, either. From the Washington Post:
‘Trump hasn’t endorsed a candidate in the primary, and he isn’t expected to; in the 2017 primary, he endorsed Luther Strange, who lost to Roy Moore. Still, this month, when Tuberville started his tour, he made sure to get Trump’s name on the bus. Then, during one of his first stops, he said that communities that practice sharia law make it so “you can’t drive through a neighborhood.”
“Why?” he went on. “Because terrorism has taken over.”’
So the Republican runoff will be conducted between one guy that the president* considers an ur-turncoat and another guy who thinks the president* is a gift sent straight from god, and that isn’t a typo, either.
“God sent us Donald Trump,” Tuberville says in a television ad that began airing this month, “because God knew we were in trouble… “They told me we got more Middle Easterners coming across the border than we do Mexicans,” Tuberville told a gathering of Alabama Republicans in June. “This was before the caravans started coming. I said, ‘What are you talking about?’ He said they’re coming all over the Middle East. They’re coming across the border, and they ain’t leaving. They’re coming for a reason. Folks, they’re taking over, and if we don’t open our eyes, it is going to be over with.” ‘
Curiously, the “sharia law people” all seem to share the same views. They of course have no answer why in muslim dominated countries, there is sharia law for muslims, and civil law for non-muslims.
Same source.
I read the article you tapped into in your commentary. From my reading, it appears Jones may have a chance to repeat as Senator given the trump-backed and the trump-discard candidates go at it plus a large turnout by Black American voters. Sessions will run even if he loses in the runoff. In eastern Michigan, we have a large Middle Eastern population. There has been a few instances of sharia law (although not the norm) being applied which have made it into the courts. The neighborhoods are safe and the food is great. This appears to be another fear – provoking political advertisement casting immigrants are evil so we have to protect ourselves against them and I am the man to do it effort.
I found an interesting book which I am going to lay my hands on once I find it.
It is a straightforward exploration into the heart of Trump’s America, where people know that guns kill, where they know that they have terrible medical care, and where it simply doesn’t matter to them because at least the Mexicans and welfare queens are not getting any benefits either. Jonathan Metzl goes to hospitals where people simply tell him they would rather die than have Obamacare go to the undeserving. For very much working class whites, race simply means far, far more to them than class and it means more to them than their own lives. They are comfortable with their own death under terrible healthcare or no healthcare conditions. An old mentality of if I am going to die, I will take as many of them with me.
“Dying of Whiteness, How the Politics of Racial Resentment is Killing America’s Heartland”
Can someone, anyone challenge him to name a specific community where they practice Shari law?
He is great at making claims that you can not check.
Someone subject him to a fact check and bring it up everywhere he goes.
Trump says he will continue to shake hands. Maybe he will continue his campaign rallies too.
One can only hope. Trump is not one of those touchy – feeling types unless you are a woman.
“Sharia Law Countries 2020
Sharia law is the laws that are used to govern the lives of Muslims. These laws have been derived from multiple sources, including the Muslim holy book known as the Qur’an and the sayings of the prophet Muhammad from the Hadith.”
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
Jim H, SORRY, the specific quote was for communities in Alabama
and my reply was about communities in Alabama alone, not worldwide.
Missed this part.
“There are a number of countries that use Sharia law in full or in part. Those nations are:”
I had always felt that Angela Merkel’s immigration policies had more to do with the ECB, Bundesbank and EU’s favoring austerity. Adding a million consumers to an economy headed to recession was one of the few paths available to her to inflate the economy.
As a regular reader but seldom commentator I find Jim H.’s comments not worthy.
Good Morning Heim
You are correct in making a statement on adding more consumers to a slowing economy. There is another angle to adding more people to the population. The point I would stress of this migration is the age of the migrants. Germany is one of the European countries which has an aging population the same as the US although the US is not in as serious condition. If labor is not to end and I for now do not seeing it ending, Germany will need more and younger man and woman power to maintain its productivity. Keeping the workforce young is a worthy goal and accepting immigrants is one way of doing such.
Just another point I do not believe you would find to be erroneous.
Heim wrote: “Adding a million consumers to an economy headed to recession was one of the few paths available to her to inflate the economy.”
You can not be serious!
By your reasoning, what developed countries need are more unemployable, government supported residents.
If dispensing government money into the economy is necessary then the government could just reduce taxes on all low income earners. They would spend the money!
Adding more and more undereducated non German speakers to Germany is the best formula that I can think of to bring on civil strife far into the future.
I assume that those immigrants are of at least of average intelligence, but they will spend years becoming fluent in German.During that time, they will see the way that more educated Germans live and they will want that for themselves. The resentment will build.
And plunging immigrants into a foreign culture presents the opportunity for all sorts of misunderstandings on both sides. (On both religious and civil matters)
As far as youthful migrants are concerned, remember that the young require more prison space.
I have read that the crime rate in the US fell in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Coincidently that was when the huge US baby boom generation aged into their 40s.
This will not be like the assimilation of East Germany into modern Germany. That was expensive but the east Germans spoke German and shared much of the same history, religion, and culture. And it was quite easy for east Germans to give up the means and methods of their former government.
Not like Drum to post something like this. But inhuman statements and thoughts perhaps justifies it.
“The more that Donald Trump’s latest coronavirus press avail sinks in, the angrier I get. There he is, mugging for the camera. Interrupting Alex Azar when he’s on the verge of telling the truth about something. Bloviating about how he’s some kind of innate medical genius. Complaining that he doesn’t want to unload passengers from a cruise ship because it might hurt his numbers. Griping that the Dow was all set to hit 30,000 until this whole virus thing hit. Bragging about the small number of deaths so far. Apparently demanding that every actual professional kowtow to him in public. Saying that he’s not to blame for cutting back on pandemic preparedness because “this is something that you can never really think is going to happen.” Clowning about how the testing has been perfect, “like the letter was perfect.” Snickering about how he told Mike Pence not to compliment a governor who had been mean to him. Bragging that he’s not bothering to take any special protections.
Jesus. Does he think this whole thing is just a big joke? Is he going to keep acting like a combination of court jester and Pollyanna-in-chief when the number of deaths hits a hundred? Or a thousand? Is there anyone left on his staff who can tell him to start acting like a president?
I have never wished medical problems on anyone. I didn’t want George Bush to choke on a pretzel or Dick Cheney to have a heart attack. Just not my style. But honest to God, if there’s one person on this planet who deserves to be infected with coronavirus, it’s Donald Trump.”