The NFL draft starts on Thursday. As Philly is my hometown, I want to talk about two side pieces that will be shown many times.
First, the booing of Donavan McNabb in New York when he was selected. It was a radio stunt orchestrated by Angelo Cataldi(he is still doing the same schtick), Those were the imbeciles(dubbed the Dirty Thirty) that were given tickets to the draft and driven to the draft. Their selection was based on their insane behavior and desire for the Eagles to draft a running back(Ricky Williams). In no way, shape or form were they anywhere remotely close to average Eagle fans.
Second, and most importantly, cheesesteaks.
You will undoubtedly see a segment with Pat’s Steaks and Geno’s steaks, and the rivalry of which is the best steak in town.
The answer is neither. They both suck. They are tourist traps. Have been for decades. The only reason a native would eat one of those things is because they are open when the bars close. There are literally hundreds of places where the cheesesteaks are better than these two dives.
Oh, one other thing. In my life I have eaten thousands of cheesesteaks with hundreds of natives. Not once have I ever seen any person actually put cheese wiz on a sandwich. Places that do(like Pat’s and Geno’s) do so because it is cheap and easy.
To sum up. Do not ever eat at those places. Unless of course it is after 2 AM.
Well, with the exception of my cousin’s daughter, my entire family has moved out of Philly. Some to Atlantic City and Avalon, and some to West Chester. But I do pass through occasionally going to upstate NY. So, what’s the best place for cheesesteak?
(BTW, my aunt died last year and was cremated. At her funeral, her urn was on the altar, which was draped with an Eagles blanket. She, being the organist until she took ill, requested that they play On Eagles Wings! Love that woman!)
It was Reggie White’s death that got me to get a CPAP.
The NFL draft starts on Thursday. As Philly is my hometown, I want to talk about two side pieces that will be shown many times.
First, the booing of Donavan McNabb in New York when he was selected. It was a radio stunt orchestrated by Angelo Cataldi(he is still doing the same schtick), Those were the imbeciles(dubbed the Dirty Thirty) that were given tickets to the draft and driven to the draft. Their selection was based on their insane behavior and desire for the Eagles to draft a running back(Ricky Williams). In no way, shape or form were they anywhere remotely close to average Eagle fans.
Second, and most importantly, cheesesteaks.
You will undoubtedly see a segment with Pat’s Steaks and Geno’s steaks, and the rivalry of which is the best steak in town.
The answer is neither. They both suck. They are tourist traps. Have been for decades. The only reason a native would eat one of those things is because they are open when the bars close. There are literally hundreds of places where the cheesesteaks are better than these two dives.
Oh, one other thing. In my life I have eaten thousands of cheesesteaks with hundreds of natives. Not once have I ever seen any person actually put cheese wiz on a sandwich. Places that do(like Pat’s and Geno’s) do so because it is cheap and easy.
To sum up. Do not ever eat at those places. Unless of course it is after 2 AM.
Well, with the exception of my cousin’s daughter, my entire family has moved out of Philly. Some to Atlantic City and Avalon, and some to West Chester. But I do pass through occasionally going to upstate NY. So, what’s the best place for cheesesteak?
(BTW, my aunt died last year and was cremated. At her funeral, her urn was on the altar, which was draped with an Eagles blanket. She, being the organist until she took ill, requested that they play On Eagles Wings! Love that woman!)
It was Reggie White’s death that got me to get a CPAP.
If you are going to the shore(that is the beach for non Natives), WHite House in Atlantic City is fabulous. Has been for decades.
Meanwhile, there are many, and of course they change. But in South Philly there is one that is a go to place if you want a real cheesesteak, John’s.
I know, it says roast pork, but their cheesesteaks are light years ahead of those two dives.
I do not like the pork because it has rosemary. The worst spice in the history of mankind.
That’s just me though.
When I go to the shore, I stay with family! Much cheaper!
John’s sounds good, and only a slight detour. I usually get off 95 onto 476, so I can just take 76 out from John’s and pick up 476 . Thanks.
Whitehouse is seven minutes from the AC Expressway and the GS Parkway.
Seven minutes back to the parkway.
Best hoagies and cheesesteaks
you will ever eat.
Best detour you will ever take.
Hoagies(subs in ac) and cheeseteaks depend on two things. Quality of meat and the roll. Can’t touch the WhiteHouse bread.
I will give it a try!