Who ARE those other people, Mr. Trump? Do tell.
I am now going to the brand new Trump International Hotel D.C. for a major statement.
— Donald Trump, twitter, Sept. 16 at 9:23 a.m.
And so he did, as all the world will remember. That’s when, and where, he made his trumpeted “birther”-renouncement statement—er, his internationally televised ad for his new D.C. hotel.
The “where” being the operative word in that sentence. And the “for his new D.C. hotel” being not an accurate reflection of who actually owns it.
At a campaign appearance in North Carolina on Tuesday, in comments that should have received wide attention, not just from the news media but also from Clinton, Trump elaborated on whom the Trump International Hotel D.C actually belongs to: “other people”. Here’s how CNN began its online text report on that campaign appearance:
Kenansville, North Carolina (CNN)Donald Trump bragged Tuesday there’s “nothing like” using other people’s money, hours after a report said he used more than $250,000 from his charitable organization to litigate lawsuits against his business interests.
Trump, while calling for building safe zones in Syria financed by Gulf states, vaunted the benefits of doing business with “OPM.”
“It’s called OPM. I do it all the time in business. It’s called other people’s money,” Trump said. “There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money because it takes the risk — you get a good chunk out of it and it takes the risk.”
Simply pointing out, again and again, that Trump is breaking with four decades of tradition in refusing to make public any of his or his company’s tax returns; simply pointing out Trump’s companies’ six bankruptcies; pointing out that his comments about Putin (not least that he has a reciprocal-compliments relationship with Putin, and Putin’s relationship with Russia’s oligarchs who invest in Trump real estate (or whatever it was that Donald Jr. was saying at the 2008 seminar)? These, independently, don’t register with most of the public, apparently.
But how about running ads in swing states tying all these together with the bowtie called OPM, and Trump’s Sept. 16 personal ad for the new hotel that bears his name but to which the in-name-only label applies? Russian oligarchs, after all, could tie President Trump in knots—should they threaten to, say, pull their financing from “his” real estate properties.
Unless of course the other people’s money comes without strings attached. Or balloon loan repayments that can be called at any time.
Yes. This is serious stuff.
And we had how many weeks of stories such as how corrupt it was that while HRC was SecState Bill Clinton had the effrontery to ask State for diplomatic passports (request denied, in fact) for two aides when he went to North Korea on a special mission (successful) to get two American journalists freed who were being held, this piece of obviously outrageous scandal the top NY Times story one day not too long ago?
Lenders cannot just “call their loans.”
Who actually owns the hotel?
Yep, I just corrected that mess of a sentence. I’d changed the structure of the sentence but didn’t delete the words that needed to be deleted from the original structure.
I write most of my posts really quickly and then just post them–much to my embarrassment once I catch the glaring error or a reader does and tips me off in the Comments thread.
Yes Lenders cannot just Call their loans very true. The real issue is that Trump better know as (Putin’s Puppet) has all of these lenders. These multinational lenders may not recall their loans but they can put pressure upon Trump for let’s say favors. This is done all the time by sleazy business types like Trump. They can threaten to not extend any more credit to Trump is those favors are not met.
Thus the only way Trump could be even considered a serious option for President should require Trump and ALL of his family to no longer control the Company interests. This though will never happen and no one will ever see all of those that Trump has business dealings with for he will not post it. The real question is even if Trump gave a list, knowing his compulsion to LIE can anyone trust if would be a factual document?
Actually, even if he gave a legitimate list, if he were elected, I don’t believe he could be legally forced to give up his ownership of whatever businesses might be affected. In other words there’s no legal obligation of a president to avoid conflicts of interest.
who’s been using other people’s money is pretty easy to find out…these pages show contributions sorted by industry to the candidate’s campaign committee plus any super PACs or hybrid PACs working on his or her behalf.
Top Industries data for Donald Trump, 2016 Cycle – OpenSecrets.org
Top Industries data for Hillary Clinton, 2016 Cycle – OpenSecrets.org
No, in this post I mean, who’s financing his real estate projects, including this new hotel, not who’s financing his campaign. Trump hasn’t been able to get financing from banks, at least not U.S. ones, since his casino bankruptcies, I’ve read.
Given the likely huge amount of debt these businesses owe, I don’t really see how he COULD get rid of them, or how that even would remove the problem. The debt, even separate from other issues concerning the businesses, is itself a huge problem.
It’s good to see that Hillary Clinton is proposing a tiered estate tax.
“who’s been using other people’s money is pretty easy to find out”
Oftentimes I fear for the level of stupidity in the American public.
This is one of those time.
“not an accurate reflection of who actually owns it”
Who owns the hotel?
Well, as I understand it, according to Trump all his recent real estate projects actually are funded by “investors”. So presumably the investors do. The hotel thus far does not look like a success. See this article in today’s NYT: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/24/opinion/donald-trumps-shiny-new-washington-hotel.html?ref=opinion&_r=0.
Apparently also, some of Trump’s investors are Russian oligarchs or oligarchs in what are basically now Russian satellite countries.
In what sure sounds to me like a very big story yesterday, longtime investigative reporter Michael Isikoff reported, in an article titled “U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump adviser and Kremlin,” that during a briefing by intelligence officials earlier this week, members of the House and Senate intelligence committees were told that they are investigating an apparent direct effort between this Trump advisor, who has longstanding ties with the Putin government and was an investment banker for Merrill Lynch based in Moscow for a long time, and the Putin government to broker an agreement by which Trump would end the post-Crimea-annexation U.S. sanctions against Russia, which has cost oil and gas oligarchs billions of dollars.
Isikoff’s article is at https://www.yahoo.com/news/u-s-intel-officials-probe-ties-between-trump-adviser-and-kremlin-175046002.html.