Are you a Republican plant of some type here investing in scatology trying to find a fresh side to old news? is the 57 your birth age?
We have a nation slowly sinking into poverty and you wish to spend time thinking about a lewd act by someone who is not running for the presidency to indict a person who is running. It is past and it is over. The growing segment of society which has surpassed baby boomers, the millenials have little knowledge of this event.”
I think Run has hit on something with this thought, and I believe he is right. Last night I saw an political ad sponsored by Americans For Prosperity. Split screen w bill and Hillary.
Maybe it doesn’t matter but the MS in MS57 is not ‘Ms’. That is MS57 is not a woman. You would only know this by inspecting the associated e-mail so there is no blame here, a natural mistake.
Yes, we all deserve a smarter, and preferably more honest, individual in the WH. Is that Trump? He loses on both counts. He’s not smart enough to keep his ignorant mouth shut in order to seem less bigoted. And he lacks basic honesty as has been shown in so many of his own business practices. I’m referring to multiple bankruptcies wherein investors lost most of the money and he came out relatively unscathed. And currently there is Trump University.
The same requirements should hold for membership in either house of the Congress, but Americans have often elected the biggest frauds and turds available to their choice. What is there that is honest and intelligent in regards to McConnell’s references to a Supreme Court appointment in the “11th hour” that was put into play nearly one full year before the end of Obama’s term in office? What Constitutional grounds supports that brazen position? What is so intelligent or honest about a Paul Ryan budget? Slash taxes for the wealthy and attack the sanctity of social security, an off budget program with its own off budget funding mechanism?
No, we don’t have an honest nor intelligent elected government. So what to do about that when so many of our citizen’s put their fears and prejudices ahead of their own economic self interests when they vote? What is it about Trump’s words against China trade rings true when he has his own products manufactured off shore? Why doesn’t Trump make reference to those American corporations that have been specializing in shopping for the lowest wage countries to shift manufacturing to at the expense of American workers? Why berate China, as Trump does? How about Apple, or Walmart, or Ford in Mexico? There’s plenty of selfish behavior on the part of business and its representatives in the Congress and the WH, but it’s all Trumped by an ignorant and bigoted group of voters.
Well said Jack but that is our country. I will continue to have faith in the basic decency of people until they prove me wrong– the election of Reagan and Dumbya notwithstanding.I doubt whether there is really a better system although my wife- who is English by birth– is haranguing me about the benefits of a parliamentary system. I do not like the polarization but as long as the politicians can profit from it, it will continue. I hope the GOP learns that it does not help them this year and I hope that president Hillary Clinton is smart enough to realize it will bite the Democrats in the butt too. Obama certainly did although it was a bit of bringing a knife to a gunfight. At the end of the day I have to believe our society is notas racist and tribal as the GOP contends and that we can get back to honest disagreements about the role of government and honest politicians to debate it
Coberly, in a hundred years, people may actually have an objective view of the past which we have lived through. Doubtful they will think Reagan defeated Communism at home and abroad. More likely they think he was the huckster he was.
From another thread:
June 8, 2016 10:33 pm
ms 57:
Are you a Republican plant of some type here investing in scatology trying to find a fresh side to old news? is the 57 your birth age?
We have a nation slowly sinking into poverty and you wish to spend time thinking about a lewd act by someone who is not running for the presidency to indict a person who is running. It is past and it is over. The growing segment of society which has surpassed baby boomers, the millenials have little knowledge of this event.”
I think Run has hit on something with this thought, and I believe he is right. Last night I saw an political ad sponsored by Americans For Prosperity. Split screen w bill and Hillary.
Thought process was the same as Ms57.
E Michael
and yet you continue to give it air time.
i think (not sure) if you look back on Ms57 comments you will not think she is a Republican.
more likely just another woman who can never stop thinking that “he done her wrong” is Theory of Everything.
it’s a bit of a new wrinkle though: “and his wife made him do it.”
Maybe it doesn’t matter but the MS in MS57 is not ‘Ms’. That is MS57 is not a woman. You would only know this by inspecting the associated e-mail so there is no blame here, a natural mistake.
MS 57 is very Apropos:
Bill’s definition of “is” and “sex” is the same as Hillary’s definition of complying with the National Security Act.
The US deserves a smarter quibbler in the WH.
Yes, we all deserve a smarter, and preferably more honest, individual in the WH. Is that Trump? He loses on both counts. He’s not smart enough to keep his ignorant mouth shut in order to seem less bigoted. And he lacks basic honesty as has been shown in so many of his own business practices. I’m referring to multiple bankruptcies wherein investors lost most of the money and he came out relatively unscathed. And currently there is Trump University.
The same requirements should hold for membership in either house of the Congress, but Americans have often elected the biggest frauds and turds available to their choice. What is there that is honest and intelligent in regards to McConnell’s references to a Supreme Court appointment in the “11th hour” that was put into play nearly one full year before the end of Obama’s term in office? What Constitutional grounds supports that brazen position? What is so intelligent or honest about a Paul Ryan budget? Slash taxes for the wealthy and attack the sanctity of social security, an off budget program with its own off budget funding mechanism?
No, we don’t have an honest nor intelligent elected government. So what to do about that when so many of our citizen’s put their fears and prejudices ahead of their own economic self interests when they vote? What is it about Trump’s words against China trade rings true when he has his own products manufactured off shore? Why doesn’t Trump make reference to those American corporations that have been specializing in shopping for the lowest wage countries to shift manufacturing to at the expense of American workers? Why berate China, as Trump does? How about Apple, or Walmart, or Ford in Mexico? There’s plenty of selfish behavior on the part of business and its representatives in the Congress and the WH, but it’s all Trumped by an ignorant and bigoted group of voters.
Well said Jack but that is our country. I will continue to have faith in the basic decency of people until they prove me wrong– the election of Reagan and Dumbya notwithstanding.I doubt whether there is really a better system although my wife- who is English by birth– is haranguing me about the benefits of a parliamentary system. I do not like the polarization but as long as the politicians can profit from it, it will continue. I hope the GOP learns that it does not help them this year and I hope that president Hillary Clinton is smart enough to realize it will bite the Democrats in the butt too. Obama certainly did although it was a bit of bringing a knife to a gunfight. At the end of the day I have to believe our society is notas racist and tribal as the GOP contends and that we can get back to honest disagreements about the role of government and honest politicians to debate it
i don’t think you’d find things much better through most of history, here or in Britain.
we may have lucked out with the first six presidents or so, or maybe they are just the beneficiaries of the ministry of truth.
i am sure Ronald Reagan will be remembered in a hundred years as the man who beat communism, both at home and abroad.
Coberly, in a hundred years, people may actually have an objective view of the past which we have lived through. Doubtful they will think Reagan defeated Communism at home and abroad. More likely they think he was the huckster he was.
Jack D
well, I know what I will think.
But I have no idea what the Ministry of Truth will think.