#PorteOuverte Paris attack PSA.

There have been four terrorist attacks in Paris tonight. At least 35 people were killed and about 100 taken hostage.

In the horror, there is one promising development which might be useful to any angrybear readers in Paris


Parisians have been advised to stay home until the situation is under control. It being Friday night, many people in Paris are out on the town far from home (or hotel) and often in places such as bars and discoteques which are not pleasing to possible Jihandist terrorists. Someone had the admirable, brilliant and generous idea to offer shelter to such people suggesting they indicate need for shelter or willingness to provide shelter by tweeting the tag #PorteOuverte.

The idea has gone viral. I found out about it from a retweet by eminent LSE econometrician @dannyquah who, I assume, is in London. I also saw the tag in a tweet I couldn’t read (because it was in German) and tried to write one explaining it in Italian.

There are also warnings that shelter seekers and providers should only communicate their locations using privately using DM as there might be terrorists on twitter.

In Time Ashley Ross reports on the phenomenon.