Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Why Prosperity Requires a Welfare State

I’ve got a new post up at a new site, Evonomics Magazine (“The next evolution of economics”). It’s an impressive offshoot with some great articles, assembled by folks involved with The Evolution Institute, which I’m a big booster for. My readers here will find much familiar in the post, but I’m happy with how it […]

Clinton is Running as the Un-Elizabeth Warren. The Tactic is Succeeding. For now. (And btw, what DO those polls on gun-control laws show about rural-vs.-urban-area views?)

Marco Rubio spoke today to a large group of Iowa Republican activists and urged them to “turn the page on outdated leaders of both parties“. They agreed to do that, and started chanting “Feel the Bern.” — Senator, You’re No John Kennedy.  You’re Just Clumsily Appropriating a Campaign Line of His [from his 1946 run […]

Output is Normally Determined by Effective Demand

An article came out today by Ricardo Caballero, Emmanuel Farhi and Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, called On the global ZLB economy, where they talk about how a liquidity trap scenario can spread globally.They see a high demand for safe assets over their supply. “The growing global shortage of safe assets imparted a strong downward secular trend to […]

Keynes’ Vision of Effective Demand is Unfulfilled

We hear that aggregate demand must be increased. Just today in a great article giving 3 mismatches that should be fixed in the global economy we read… “First, aggregate demand is deficient relative to aggregate supply.” – (Restarting the global economy: Three mismatches that need concerted public action, Michael Spence, Danny Leipziger, James Manyika, Ravi […]

Has Clinton Ever Actually READ the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (the PLCAA)? She Doesn’t Seem to Know What It Says.

Blogger Phil Ebersole, who is a retired journalist, picked up and commented favorably on my Oct. 17 post refuting refuting Clinton’s statement during the Oct. 13 debate that the 2005 federal statute known as the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (the PLCAA), which Sanders voted for and Clinton voted against, “give[s] immunity to the […]

Many Republicans Want to Raise Taxes on Wealthy Americans

“Always click the link” — Kevin Drum In his latest Op-ed Paul Krugman wrote ” Americans overwhelmingly believe that the wealthy pay less than their fair share of taxes, and even Republicans are closely divided on the issue.” I would have guessed that a majority of rank and file Republicans agree with all Republican presidential […]