Blackie, in Wantagh, NY [Sweet dog still needs a home. 8/23]

I see so many listings about older dogs whose owner can no longer care for him or her, usually because of finances. I just received this sweet, touching email notice,* from Hempstead Animal Shelter in Wantaugh, NY (Nassau County), via, and thought I’d pass it along.

*Corrected link, thanks to Noni Mausa.  A note has been added to the listing since earlier today saying: “URGENT: This animal could be euthanized if not adopted soon.


 UPDATE: Yves Smith has now linked to this post, under the topic “Class Warfare”:

Blackie, in Wantaugh, NY Angry Bear. Another sad reminder of the costs of the crisis.

Metro New York City is a huge place. There must be many people who can, and would be happy to, adopt this sweet dog. So thanks, Yves, for publicizing my post.  And for making the point you make.


SECOND UPDATE: Blackie was adopted today!  See the Comments thread below. 8/20

THIRD, SAD, FRUSTRATING UPDATE: Please see my second post on this, above.