Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Oh no, Walmart is not doing well? Danger, danger Economy Sucks! Not according to the flower shop.

Before this last recession, readers of a long time here might recall that I used my flower shop as a barometer for the economy.  I noted that things were not doing well as our sales had started to decline in August of 2006.    The smart boys and girls called it December 2008 as starting December […]

The Tea Party’s Disruptive Anti-Government (and anti-tax) Politics

by Linda Beale The Tea Party’s Disruptive Anti-Government (and anti-tax) Politics The New York Times ran an interesting piece by Kim Messick on the Tea Party’s psyche yesterday: Messick, The Tea Party’s Paranoid Aesthetic, New York Times (Aug. 10, 2013).  It’s worth trying to understand this political group’s understanding of itself, since it ” is […]

Business tax cut or Increased Govt. spending?

This is a quick post to a question in the comments section by Jerry Critter on the circular flow model using labor income. He asks, “To improve the economy, we hear two somewhat conflicting stories.  One, we need to increase government spending, or, two, we need to reduce business taxes.  Can your model compare the […]

Fuel Spill: The Republicans Are About to Admit That Obamacare Helps Consumers. (Bet On It.)

In another setback for President Obama’s health care initiative, the administration has delayed until 2015 a significant consumer protection in the law that limits how much people may have to spend on their own health care. The limit on out-of-pocket costs, including deductibles and co-payments, was not supposed to exceed $6,350 for an individual and […]

If 401ks don’t serve many customers, we need higher Social Security benefits

Brad DeLong adds his voice to the people addressing the retirement woes of many: Edward Filene’s idea from the 1920s of having companies run employer-sponsored defined-benefit plans has, by and large, come a-crashing down. Companies turn out not to be long-lived enough to run pensions with a high enough probability. And when they are there […]

Taking the Circular Flow to the limit of equilibrium

As I said, I was going to post a version of the circular flow model for current conditions of the economy. Setting up the model Conditions for national accounts and other numbers are currently… (See these graphs CGINX, XM, Undistprof) Real GDP of $15.650 trillion. (2009 dollars) Effective demand limit of $16.1 trillion. (real 2009 […]

According to The Onion: Congress Fiercely Divided Over Completely Blank Bill

We interrupt our daily coverage for this moment of humor:  Congress Fiercely Divided Over Completely Blank Bill That Says And Does Nothing WASHINGTON—A blank piece of legislation that says nothing, does nothing, and contains no text whatsoever has been the source of heated debate in Washington this week, and has sharply divided Congress along partisan lines, Beltway sources confirmed […]