Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Senate Finance Leaders push "blank slate" to tax reform

by Linda Beale Senate Finance Leaders push “blank slate” to tax reform Senators Baucus and Hatch, the Chair and ranking minority member of the Senate Finance Committee, respectively, launched a bid for completing a Code reform before Baucus leaves office with a letter to Senators telling them that they should get their bids in within […]

Asset Reflux Disease: Explaining Koo to Krugman

Or: Why Banks Aren’t Like People Steve Keen does a good job of addressing Paul Krugman’s befuddlement with Richard Koo’s balance-sheet-based thinking, here, with detailed models showing how funds flow and stocks change over time. I’d like to address it more succinctly and I hope intuitively, by pointing out a simple misunderstanding that Paul shares […]