Future Blog Platform
Shortly Angry Bear will be making the switch from Blogger to WordPress. Blogger has served us well for ten years, but WordPress provides a much greater flexibility and capacity for our material.
Reader rjs comments on Google reader coming to an end which won’t affect us as a blog, but certainly impacts users:
I imagine you all know Google plans to shut down the Google reader; as Felix Salmon put it:
Your Daily Outrage: Google decides it’s cool to be evil, kills beloved product because it can
Here’s a Change.org. petition via Yves Smith i just signed, for whatever it’s worth:
Google: Keep Google Reader RunningI use my Google reader, including it’s site search, 3 hours a day or more for what I’m doing, in ways that would be hard to replace…
(lifted from open thread and lightly edited for readability)
Thanks for all of the work Dan.
well, i don’t know if i understand any of this
but i would be glad to see the end of google here.
it periodically evaporates my comments and tells me i need to do something about my account. but it never tells me what, in a way i can understand.
something about giving them my cell phone number so they can let me know right away there is a problem.
in fact, i think if google disappeared entirely, someone else would take up the slack and perhaps not become evil… as google has become.
coberly, i’ve had a lot of problems with evaporating comments on wordpress websites, and it never happens to me on blogger…it’s a longstanding problem on naked capitalism (yves has posted about it) and i worked with yves & lambert to track it down…basically, wordpress has a plugin from Akismet that deletes spam across all wordpress sites; so if you get marked as spam at one (which i believe happened to me) your comments start getting deleted everywhere…i will write dan about this with more detail…
as far as someone else taking up the slack for the service the google reader provides, felix salmon, who’s into the tech side of this more than i am, is skeptical; he thinks google may have just killed RSS entirely…