Health Care Thoughts: Business Model Angst

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt

Health Care Thoughts: Business Model Angst

For the past two months I have been absorbed more so than usual in health care strategic and regulatory compliance issues. One of the top trends is the scramble for a workable business model for providers. The announcement this week of the Beaumont system merger with the Henry Ford system in Detroit is a good example.

Integration and consolidation are clearly the early winners, although the Obama administration still has not gotten the DOJ and FTC on the same page with Health and Human Services.
Integration is supposed to pave the way for innovative payment systems, better data accumulation and better clinical quality. The jury is still out.

In a somewhat related note, I have heard a similar comment from all over the country – rolling out electronic medical records tied into networks (EHR) is a slow, expensive, agonizing process.