Does Romney Even Know What the Word “Plan” MEANS?
Romney released a new middle class economic plan [today]. [The] plan is called: “Mitt Romney’s new plan for a stronger middle class.” It contains ideas we’ve heard before: more access to domestic energy resources; cutting taxes and capping spending; repealing Obamacare.
Mark Hopkins at Moody’s Analytics tells me that it is mostly a set of assertions about outcomes Romney wants, rather than a set of policies on how to achieve them.
“There aren’t enough specifics here to evaluate the plan,” Hopkins said. “It’s not clear in most cases what specific policies underlie the assertions of outcomes he wants.”
— Greg Sargent, Washington Post, today
Indeed. Hopefully Obama and more members of the media will point out the distinction between a stated plan and a mere statement of claimed outcomes of an unspecified plan. Romney and his wife say that the public has all the information it “needs” about his finances in order to take his word for it that his finances have all been on the up-and-up, and he makes essentially the same claim about his planned economic policies: All the public needs to know is, Romney says so.
Which in a way is true—if you get my point.
sis-boom,baa go! oboma go!nothing but a cheerleader for the dem’s.
Please tell us where to find the plan…then sis boom baa.
I just suggested to the Romney campaign that they do an ad highlighting the sheer arrogance of Romney’s “trust me, and I won’t let you verify” theme, on his personal finances and on the specifics of his “plan” and how, exactly, it could be expected to grow the economy rather than crash it.
It contains ideas we’ve heard before: more access to domestic energy resources; PPI help