There is Only One Trustworthy News Source: Fox. There is Only One Trustworthy News Source: Fox. There is Only One Trustworthy News Source: Fox. There is Only One Trustworthy News Source: Fox.
Repeat as needed to avoid cognitive dissonance.
“Trust” percentage minus “Distrust” percentage:
Via: Chart of the Day: Republicans Don’t Trust Anyone (Except Fox News) | Mother Jones.
Cross-posted at Asymptosis.
I’ve definitely seen this anecdotally, but I didn’t think it was to such an extreme intensity. Wow.
First Rule of Economic Blogs
Ignore any post that has graphs where the axes are not clearly labeled *in the graph*
If the author(s) are to lazy to take this simple step to make the graph readable, why should readers give them time ?
Big Brother loves you, and those other people don’t. Big Brother is your friend, the person who tells you what you want to hear, confirms your most horrific fears, and everyday says that your ignorant fat inbred redneck a** is not, in fact, just ignorant white trash too dumb to lick a lollipop but, rather, the rightful ruler of this great nation, unfairly oppressed by the liberal hoards of the tyrant socialist Muslim dictator Barack Hussien Obama. You love Big Brother. You are Republican.
Second Rule of Economic Blogs
Click the link.
The ordinate shows spreads. See the second sentence of the link.
I found it of some interest that the second most trustworthy TV news source for Republicans was PBS, given their perennial attacks on PBS. 😉
I found it interesting too. But as a former PBS listener, and subscriber, I can say that PBS is the Fox news of the “educated.”
coberly, is this a relatively new development? I don’t remember PBS having been such a water carrier for Republicans in the past, but I’ve been surprised at how nakedly partisan some things have been there lately.
What to me is the more frightening aspect of such information is that the inherent prejudices of those fans of Fox are not limited to the “dumb red neck crackers” that we often envision in front of the telly sucking in the ale of Ailes. I have met well educated, if over compensated, people make frequent reference to the necessity of tuning into Fox News in order to “know” what’s going on and what’s right with the world. The operative principle is not intellect, but egocentrism, the understanding of the world through the prism of one’s needs rather than one’s senses.
as a dumb cracker I can tell you it’s always been like this. it wasn’t crackers who fired on Fort Sumter.
i don’ know about “new.” i have always been a compulsive skeptic, and npr gave enough of an impression of “fair and balanced” that you could imagine you were making up your own mind.
It was when I began to learn something about Social Security… from the one perfectly honest source i know… that i realized npr was regularly lying about it. sometimes in the most shameful — relying on total ignorance — way. i kept listening, watching, for a while after that, but began noticing more and more the subliminal non sequiters… where i didn’t have to know the ‘facts’ or even have a political opinion to realize the logic was bad, deceitfully bad.
well, they might have worked the guns, but it wasn’t them as made the decision. as always.
as for red neck. nah, we were swamp crackers. the red necks is folks as work baseball hats so they didn’t look like… ah… fiel’ han’s, who wore slouch hats… to keep the sun off their necks… which warnt gonna be red nohow.
Right, coberly. The crackers were slaving away on their farms when ole P.G.T Beauregard, a son of the aristocratic planter class and the young gentlemen cadets of the Citadel fired on Fort Sumter. Speaking for the crackers of the Old and New South, we’da just as soon he stood to home and kept his powder dry. Rich man’s war. Poor man’s fight.
I get several doses of Fox everyday just running errands around town. According to them, we are on the eve of destruction and under attack by China, India, Iran, Palestinians, the Taliban, Cuban communistas and their pal Hugo Chavez, and Democrats who actively scheme to overthrow the Republic.
Oh, also the US government is broke. Hey, I got my retirement check and it spends fine. I look around carefully before lettin my bulldog out every morning and I have yet to see the IRS invading my neighborhood. I suspect the broke stuff is pure bunk. NancyO
of course it’s pure bunk.
they talk like the country is broke. what they mean is they don’t wanna pay no taxes. after all they can spend their own money better than the government. we need more Lexuses more than we need better schools.
trouble is the more they succeed with that line, the more they are gonna make it true in spite of themselves. at some point the government is small enough to drown in the bathtub. and then the lights start going off in New York. and the poor dumb bastards will go to their graves thinking it was all the government’s fault. never having noticed exactly when it was they became the government.
coberly: “PBS is the Fox news of the “educated.”
Nancy I thought you had a female pit boxer?
I would like to point out that the cracker who started the war bettween the states did so by supplying fort Sumter against the advice of his entire cabinet.
you mean the elected president of the United States, sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, who wrote a letter to the governor of South Carolina and said he was going to resupply a Federal fort and did not intend to start a fight?
or were you thinking of those loud mouthed ignoramuses of high breeding…my relatives… who thought that shooting at a Federal fort would send those Yankees home with their tails between their legs?
it took 600,000 dead American boys, and another hundred years after that, and a lot of Federal money Johnson sent to the south to make up for their right to lynch negroes, to even begin to get the ignorant fools to begin to see the error of their ways. And Richard Nixon to show them a new way: it’s cheaper to rent than to buy and white is as good as black.
mostly i like you because you are honest about being a racist. but being a damn fool is harder to ignore.