Always tradeoffs…and complexities and externalities

For readers’ information, this study page 193 appears to be most comprehensive and recent (2005) on dispersants for oil (hat tip Salon):

One of the most difficult decisions that oil spill responders and natural resources managers face during a spill is evaluating the environmental trade-offs associated with dispersant use. The objective of dispersant use is to transfer oil from the water surface into the water column. When applied before spills reach the coastline, dispersants will potentially decrease exposure for surface dwelling organisms (e.g., seabirds) and intertidal species (e.g., mangroves, salt marshes), while increasing it for water-column (e.g., fish) and benthic species (e.g., corals, oysters). Decisions should be made regarding the impact to the ecosystem as a whole, and this often represents a trade-off among different habitats and species that will be dictated by a full range of ecological, social, and economic values associated with the potentially affected resources. Comparing the possible ecological consequences and toxicological impacts of these trade-offs is difficult. First, each oil spill represents a unique situation and second, it is often difficult to extrapolate from published research data into field predictions, especially regarding the possibility of long-term, sublethal toxicological impacts to resident species (Box 5-1 provides definitions for most the common terms used in discussions of toxicological effects).