Transatlantic Synchronicity
Robert Waldmann
Was just talking to his mom and dad (Dr Waldmann and Dr Waldmann). They had CNN on. I couldn’t see my screen from where I was talking on the phone, so I heard from Dr Waldmann (Thomas) that Stupak had said yes and that someone who is very pro-choice said she had no problem with the executive order because it adds nothing to the Hyde amendment. So he asked what’s going on and is this a fig leaf for Stupak
I said, no dad, a figleaf covers more. This is a maple leaf. The reference to Canada was inadvertant. We don’t have Medicare for all, but at least Stupak caved and got much to little to cover up his uhm leadership ability.
The text of the executive order here.
I’ll just quote the key parts after the jump.
“consistent with a longstanding Federal statutory restriction that is commonly known as the Hyde Amendment.
The Act maintains current Hyde Amendment restrictions governing abortion policy and extends those restrictions to the newly-created health insurance exchanges. Under the Act, longstanding Federal laws
as a result of both the Hyde Amendment and longstanding regulations containing the Hyde language. Under the Act, the Hyde language shall apply …”
I think that it would have been less humiliating for Stupak if Obama had not had that draft order written up. It basically says “Stupak is wrong. Everything he has said recently about the Senate bill is false. I am willing to tell people to follow the law, because the Constitution orders me to take care that the laws (the decades old laws in this case) are faithfully executed.”
Oh and I will support Stupak’s opponent in the primary anyway.
In the Northwest Coast our maples leaves are enormous (Acer macrophyllum).
Yes, because we all need insurance (a financial product purchased to cover infrequent and UNPREDICTABLE events that incur large costs) for getting pregnant.
Seriously, go poll a bunch of 6th graders. You’d be surprised how high the percentage of people, before they become sexually active, understand that having sex is how you get a female pregnant.
You can’t fix stupid, but you can (via the mafia; aka federal government) force rational people to pay for the externalities imposed by irrational people.
The exception to this being rape victims.
I hear annual wellness visiits to the GP are also quite UNPREDICTABLE in Pelosi’s La La Land.
Jay, annual visits are only problematic if you are already on medicare and or medicaid.
Well, at least it provided us with yet another opportunity to watch the hapless Republicans try and spin the Stupak agreemnent as a green light for rampant funding of abortions. Rep. Michelle Bachman can always be counted on for some comic relief.
The only thing that Stupak got was a promise from Obama that he wouldn’t allow OPM and HHS to provide federal funding of abortions for govt insurance plans even if Congress somehow forgot to reattach the Hyde Amendment. That’s kind of a reach since Congress has attached the Hyde Amendment to every appropriation bill since forever, but if it makes Stupak feel better, then fine.
Stupak is now off the hook for being stupid. Stupid in a state with the highest Unemployment, lessening resources for Medicaid, reductions in education, and now he can get off of the backs of students, the poor , and the elderly.
Stupak is a moronin Michigan.
Okay, so the Hyde amendment was already in place. But I wish that rather than emphasizing it, the Administration and Congress were trying to do something about it. The Republicans’ failure of compassion for those Americans without health insurance can only be assuaged by making it absolutely certain that poor women will have trouble getting abortions? I guess my rights were already thrown under the bus by Hyde et al., so what the hell.
I don’t believe it bans abortions. If it is the same as the other bills, it is payed in separate check and rembursed differently. I will try to find out.
You’re right, Stupak sold out too cheap. I wonder what the real payoff is. That was one important switch.
Democrats voted for their democrat bill and republicans voted against it. Its as simple as that, the democrats have the majority and they used it to do what democrats do, expand the size of government and the government’s influence on our economy.
I’ll announce when any of the proposal makes me better or worse off. As a see it all the initial items increase spending and thus will raise the cost of healthcare. I’m not suprised though since I always believed the democrats were out to control healthcare and were lying about there motivation to reduce costs. Reducing cost was the focus group tested result — it has nothing to do with their true motivatioin.
So, Cantab decide that his own view of the motive of people with whom he disagrees must be the right because….he decided it is. No, sorry, because they disagree with him. No, um, because he made up his mind before there were any facts and now won’t change it. No, let’s see, because Cantab says so. Yes!! That’s it!
Cantab is channeling Shrub – pretending to have the ability to look into people’s hearts and tell whether they motives are pure. Very convincing.
Well I still intend to support his opponent in the primary. I don’t give much so I don’t promise dollars but I will consider it.
This is true, but they have lots of gaps. I guess I wished I had said clover leaf, but I didn’t think of it.
Coverage of abortion saves money for everyone who doesn’t get an abortion. The health care costs of a term pregnancy are much greater than the costs of an abortion. This explains why private health insurance plans almost all cover abortion (including the one bought by the RNC for its employees until people laughed at them about it).
So the cost of convering abortion is negative.
Also, existing birth control does not elminate the risk of pregnancy. Unwanted pregnancy can be an unpredictable accident (of course most unwanted pregnancies aren’t such accidents).
And finally, none of this has anything to do with the health care debate. It was agreed that there be no federal money for abortion from the beginning. Stupak made a fuss over nothing, literally nothing. He got no real concession and he got what he claimed he wanted, because his declared concerns were based on fantasy or dishonesty.