Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

He’s from Georgia, but He Speaks the Language Very Well

WalterJon finds a brilliant judge’s response to a “birther” case: The Court observes that the President defeated seven opponents in a grueling campaign for his party’s nomination that lasted more than eighteen months and cost those opponents well over $300 million. Then the President faced a formidable opponent in the general election who received $84 […]

CBO Preliminary Score of Baucus’s Chairman’s Mark

by Bruce Webb (h/t kharris) A Summary of the Specifications for Health Insurance Coverage Provided by the Staff of the Senate Finance Committee. ‘Preliminary’ doesn’t begin to describe this, it is not even based on the full text of the Chairman’s mark as released this morning, which is probably just as well since that really […]

Central bankers: slow to acknowledge the start; quick to declare the end

by Rebecca Wilder There is always an agenda when a central banker declares the recession is over – and Bernanke is no different. The following facts remain: US GDP contracted at a 1% annualized pace in the second quarter of 2009 (its fourth consecutive drop), industrial output grew just two consecutive months after declining every […]

Compare and Contrast

Andrew Samwick: Government bureaucrats don’t reduce costs. Market competition reduces costs. The challenge for health care reform is to get the market competition into the places where we want it — providers and insurers competing to deliver better services at lower prices — and out of the places where we don’t want it — insurers […]

Meet the Senate Finance Committee

by Bruce Webb For the last two months much of the talk around Health Care Reform has been about the Gang of Six of the Senate Finance Commitee to the point that some people think the Gang and the Committee are one and the same. But this is not true at all, this week Chairman […]

Industrial Production

By Spencer Industrial output rose 0.8 percent in August, following an upwardly revised increase of 1.0 percent in July. Production in manufacturing expanded 0.6 percent in August, and the index excluding motor vehicles and parts increased 0.4 percent. The gain in July for manufacturing was revised up 0.4 percentage point, to1.4 percent; in addition, factory […]

Snowe Job

Robert Waldmann I am not questioning Senator Olympia Snowe’s integrity. The Snowe job in question was my attempt to convince myself that Senator Snowe agrees with me. When reflecting on the question I discover that she strongly disagrees with Senator Snowe. I can see that the problem of health care reform has caused her to […]

"Great Benefit is like a Giant Slot Machine that never pays off"

by reader Run “Great Benefit is like a Giant Slot Machine that never pays off”. The RainMaker, John Grisham Private Healthcare Insurance companies paid off for those from whom they can profit. The rest of us who are costly because of age, disorders, or illness are bound to find ourselves without private insurance and too […]

International Health Care Spending Comparisons

By Spencer Michael Mandel at Businessweek had a post on the subject of where are health care costs rising the fastest. In the post he posted this table and used it as the basis for making comparisons of the growth of health care spending in various countries. But the analysis is flawed. Note it […]

Finance reform…reporting an exercise in courtesy? Or do we really want to know?

rdanText of President Obama’s speech to Wall Street in the New York Times is in the link. No pun intended…much. Mark Thoma carries the video. Few bloggers write extensive comments (Stiglitz an exception) except appear to be saying good bye to meaningful regulation. Barney Frank says regulation can happen by the end of November. Let […]