Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Green Shoots Data Defined

As a rule, the Shiller Index uses the CPI as reported for All Urban Consumers (CPIAUCNS on Fred(r)). But the Index is only updated Quarterly, so monthly data is estimated. Which produces a very interesting difference over August, not to mention September expectations: The annualised inflation rate between June and August is 0.39%, which just […]

While You’re Busy Making Other Plans

Two Views of The Late Great Johnny Ace: 69 Years after his birth, my eldest daughter’s favorite band is The Beatles (slightly ahead of the JoBros). The main reason, apparently, is this film. (I’m trying to show her the originals on which it is based, but the best of the set is temporarily unavailable).

Score the War

by Bruce Webb Davis Obey asks some hard questions that should have been asked long ago. My eye was caught by question one which prompts the title of my post. Why insist that Health Care be budget neutral and come in below some arbitrary target? Why did we even allow these wars to be funded […]

Pull Quote of the Day: The Police Know The Truth

From Constance Ash’s discussion of Capitalism: A Love Story: There are some scenes that that must have been shot around the period when enraged screwed-over people gathered at the New York Stock Exchange yelling, “Jump! Jump! Jump!” Moore has said in an interview, that while at the NYSE the NY cops came up to him […]

PSA: D-Squared Rivals Quiggin

I recently mentioned D-Squared’s four-part review (evisceration?) of Freakonomics. I had forgotten he wasn’t finished. Part Five is now posted. And the conceit of the pieces—”that there is something terribly, horribly wrong with the state of modern economics”—that dates back to 2003(!) is all the more validated. John Quiggin should include all five parts as […]

Marginal Cost

Robert Waldmann Kevin Drum writes Nicholas Tabarrok (brother of Alex) is a producer of small indie films. But he’s frustrated because there’s no way for him to increase his audience by lowering the price to see his pictures: When I make, say, an $8M film it has to compete at the same price level as […]

message size should not exceed :-(

Robert Waldmann Does anyone hate the limit on comment length as much as I do ?Kharris had a very interesting comment on a post of mine below. I wrote a long reply.I can’t post that reply in the comment thread so Kharris’s comment and my reply are is after the jump. Warning amateur philosophy of […]

Support for Opt Out Public Option

Robert Waldmann There is a surprising consensus for having a public option but allowing states to opt out. Paul Krugman likes the idea Josh Marshall likes the idea (and notes that Sen Schumer likes the idea) DailyKos frontpager McJoan likes the idea In that post Mcjoan also notes that Max Baucus and Howard Dean support […]