Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

rdan Instead of 3000 bytes total for js-kit comments we now have 10,000. I can set it for 5,000 if this affects loading time. Pre-view is on the way.

Cactus says’ why don’t we try a bit of captalism in these times’

by cactus The bank bail-out that some of us said from the beginning would not succeed hasn’t. Now things have moved on, and we’re hearing about making it bigger or simply nationalizing one or more banks. Now, I proposed a solution a while back, but before I mention it yet again, I’d like to wander […]

Headlines and understandings

rdan Andy Rooney comments on the headlines regarding the financial mess we are in, and the speeches. A transcript is at CBS news. I believe this will be the banner for the satellite Angry Bear for beginners.

Why the ‘Prefunding Boomer Retirement’ Myth is Dangerous

by Bruce Webb In a variety of comments posts I have argued that the 1983 Social Security compromise was not intended specifically to prefund Boomer retirement using several pieces of evidence including this interview with the Executive Director of the Commission Robert Myers and Prefunding Social Security. Now as it turns out current projections indeed […]

people with ample savings can engage the marketplace on their own terms.

guest post by Noni Mausa Why Save? We keep hearing about the responsible Americans of bygone days whosaved their money and bought things when they could afford them.These are distinguished from the careless present-day Americans whobuy things first and then scramble to find the money afterwards. At this point, we might ask ourselves — why […]

How Rational Behavior Leads to Inefficiency if there are Incomplete Markets

Robert Waldmann My effort immediately below to explain some general equilibrium theory in English didn’t work out so well. Here I will attempt to give simple examples which show how rational individual choice and/or trade between rational consenting adults can make everyone worse off. Models will all involve strange fruit trees, that is assets which […]

General Equilibrium Theory by Popular Demand

Robert Waldmann I’m not kidding. Someone in some thread said that he or she thought it would be great if I could give a simple intuitive explanation of Geanakoplos and Polemarchakis (1985). Also I would get an interesting perspective on the crisis if I could fly to the moon. I will try after the jump. […]

Japan has some problems too

rdan Cassandra says: 5. Most comments have been yankee-centric – perhaps mirroring readers interests and geography. I can warm to risk appetites returning when Global ZIRP arrives and begins to push the mountains of cash investors hold, further out on the risk curve. And global fiscal packages diminish the nominal falls and begin – not […]

rdan We will be trying the wikinvest related post widget shortly. Update: I have several concerns. I have noticed it being used on many sites. 1. Inadvertent mislabeling, as in Robert’s apples and oranges description, mixed up commodities, computers and stocks, and other. This can be dealt with immediately via e-mail to wikinvest (thanks to […]

Fiscal stimulus and leech

Robert Waldmann I am still trying to understand why smart economists have made extremely silly arguments against the stimulus. I am thinking of the dark ages of macroeconomics and the Treasury View. I think an analogy is useful. It is related to the original dark ages and modern medical practice. The analogy is not for […]