Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Changing Energy Costs

From a Department of Energy report entitled Revolution… Now; The Future Arrives for Five Clean Energy Technologies – 2016 Update a nifty graph: (click to embiggen) If the graph is remotely accurate, these are large cost reductions. Accompanying the graph is this verbage: Decades of investments by the federal government and industry in five key […]

Corporate/shareholder value, energy market and global warming

Updated: Renewable Germany bailing out Nuclear France   I just read the following in an article by a Mr. Bill McKibben and thought it to be an interesting perspective on why climate change/global warming is being so vigorously denied. If we spew 565 gigatons more carbon into the atmosphere, we’ll quite possibly go right past […]

Weekend Reflection Points

The lead article in the current AER is available here (gated, apparently, though the link isn’t working; h/t Tom Bozzo [on FB] and Brad DeLong; I was using the paper copy). The most interesting part so far: the authors only considered the documented costs of air pollution—not land, not water—in deriving the (embarrassingly negative) ROI […]


Ten great cities dying of thirst in Wallstreet 24/7 points to a problem already serious in some cases, and during the 2007/2008 drought made readily apparent – our lack of will to address water infrastructure problems and replacement, and our use of water that is outstripping sources. This report by Ceres and Water Asset Management […]

Global Warming: TCS v. Al Gore and Andrew Sullivan

Robert Balling over at TCS goes after Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” by noting a passage taken from this study, which got NRO’s Jonah Goldberg all excited. Andrew Sullivan more carefully reads what the study said and did not say and links to this piece which has in large font the following: Emissions of greenhouse […]

Herbert Stein v. John Tamny on Oil Prices and Monetary Policy

John Tamny starts his latest op-ed with some wisdom from Herbert Stein: Seeking to shift blame away from the Federal Reserve and the Nixon White House for the oil shocks of the early 1970s, the late Herbert Stein said, “My devotion to the old-time religion is not so great as to make me believe that […]

Would Allowing Offshore Drilling Lead to Oil Prices Being $13 Per Barrel?

Peter Ferrara says blame “liberals and regulation” and trust the supply-side cure: Over the past thirty years, extreme-left liberals have successfully shut down new energy production in the United States … The liberals also have stoked “Not in My Backyard” concerns in order to stop the building of new oil refineries … Finally, we now […]

Gasoline Prices: Russert Tries Demand & Supply

Arianna Huffington should consider John Derbyshire to do her Russert Watch: Watching Meet the Press roundtable on the gas price kerfuffle. Russert, challenging Energy Secretary Sam Bodman: “Oil demand is up. Supply is down. So why are prices rising?” Er……….. OK – Rachel Sklar did a nice job echoing something CalculatedRisk observed: Bodman says that […]

High Gasoline Prices: Is Speaker Hastert a Socialist?

KLo suggests that Senator Kennedy is a socialist for telling Russert: And he ought to activate and call the Federal Trade Commission-which is basically a sleepy organization that has given an interim report in terms of price-fixing and gouging-he ought to get them off and have them working seven days a week, 24/7, to make […]