Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Keynes’ Vision of Effective Demand is Unfulfilled

We hear that aggregate demand must be increased. Just today in a great article giving 3 mismatches that should be fixed in the global economy we read… “First, aggregate demand is deficient relative to aggregate supply.” – (Restarting the global economy: Three mismatches that need concerted public action, Michael Spence, Danny Leipziger, James Manyika, Ravi […]

Extending Greenspan’s Remarks on the Equilibrium Real Rate

A fat cat is not in good shape. And feeding it more, will not give it energy to be more athletic. Greenspan said… “in assessing real rates [of interest], the central issue is their relationship to an equilibrium interest rate, specifically the real rate level that, if maintained, would keep the economy at its production […]

Laubach & Williams do not see yet that Natural Real Rate is Rising

Yesterday a paper came out by John Williams and Thomas Laubach called, Measuring the Natural Rate of Interest Redux. They presented their model to determine the natural real rate of interest. In short, their model gives a steadily low natural real rate that would justify keeping nominal interest rates low. Paul Krugman jumped on board […]

Neo-Fisher Reflections

The Fisher Effect would say that steady and low nominal interests would bring down inflation as the real interest rises to its natural level at full employment. OK… nominal interest rates are steady and low and inflation is low. So is it really the Fisher Effect that is bringing down inflation? Just yesterday I posted […]

Economists are disingenuous about Sweden’s interest rate slump

An economic slump or recession is considered a bad thing by economists. They point to Sweden and blame Sweden for raising its interest and causing a recession. “Bad Sweden, Bad Sweden”. But those economists are being short-sighted. They do not mention that Sweden is now doing much better than the rest of Europe. They have […]

A Truth about Sweden’s Recession & Raising its Interest Rates

Within an economy, there are different industries. and each industry would require a different central bank interest rate to function best. But there cannot be a different interest rate from a central bank for each and every industry. What happened when Sweden raised its interest rate? We hear that Sweden raised its interest rate a […]