Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

29 years ago, this man said:

Hat tip to The Tiny Revolution CARTER: Point one: I am tonight setting a clear goal for the energy policy of the United States. Beginning this moment, this nation will never use more foreign oil than we did in 1977 — never… Point two: To ensure that we meet these targets, I will use my […]

Withdrawal from Iraq in the cards?

Maliki agrees with 16 month Obama plan. Any context to add? And this means what in terms of numbers (is down to 50,000 troops enough?), air bases maintained of the main four to six, the embassy maintained as built? Any reporters want to fantasize or link?

Tax cuts lose revenue

Tax cuts lose revenue is the new slogan to rally emotions of the base! Robbing from mostly you and you, and sticking it to the next gen!!! Your money will be gone as it is borrowed and spent. Ah well….I can see why Some pundits do this…it is addictive. Wish I could be paid for […]

Big Picture, whining, and bailouts

op-ed by rdan In a truly disturbing sign of our times, I am adding the category “Bailouts” to our list . . . The big money flees and who gets the blame? Whiners. Remember in emotional terms the famous 75 year projections of extending the tax cuts will be 3.5 times larger than the budget […]

Serious business in Germany

Afferent input reports back to us from moving to Berlin, Germany: Since I arrived in Berlin 1 week ago, I have had nothing but coffee and beer, both of which are delicious beyond belief. I had better coffee at the Deutsche Bank when we were opening up our bank account than any F-ing Starbucks I […]

Drug innovation improves lives and saves some

by rdan Voxeu has a good essay on drug innovation statistics and how lives are helped, as well as the expenses involved. In a new study, we examine the impact of pharmaceutical innovation on the longevity of Australians during the period 1995-2003 (Lichtenberg and Duflos 2008). In one important respect, the data available for Australia […]

Malpractice insurance

by rdan Citizen lets us know a report is out for the first time on real data for malpractice suits and costs. First time anytime, and all the propaganda and closed books comes to a halt. (year 2005) The medical liability system is not one of “jackpot” justice, in which patients go to court and […]