Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

What’s the Scam?

by cactus What’s the Scam? Over the years my wife has known her, a friend of hers has developed a, shall we say, checkered past. That includes a felony (for drunk driving), at least one bankruptcy, as well as a number of questionable deals in which she was engaged in partnership with her husband. (She […]

Just an opportunity to libel, never a previous concern

rdan A regular reader claimed the torture debate at Angry Bear was simply an opportunity to libel. Let that not ever be repeated. These are only some posts on the issue here, from different points of view. Such an important issue deserves careful thought, and no invective. If all you have is swearing, either side, […]

JOHN C. DUGAN…OCC carries on

rdan John Dugan speaks: TESTIMONY OFJOHN C. DUGANCOMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCYbefore theCOMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN AFFAIRSUNITED STATES SENATEMarch 19, 2009 It would not have the benefits of onsite examination and supervision and the very real leverage that bank supervisors have over the banks they regulate. That means, we believe, that compliance is likely […]

We Elected a Reformer, Not an Avenger…a different take on torture

rdan Update: The thread devolved into rants on the part of some instead of making a point. Such writing dimishes whatever your position happened to be. Post from The Bell hat tip run75441 “Joshia’s Example” We Elected a Reformer, Not an Avenger. Then Josiah the king sent and gathered together all the elders of Judah […]

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Cap-and-Trade Proposals…and truth in spending

rdan Lots has been said about costs and this study. Please notice the cost includes insulating the house as well. Here is a Letter to Nation Republican Congressional Committee regarding cap and trade costs to households. About $340 per household in the MIT study versus about $3000 claimed by the Republicans? And so easily checked…yet […]