Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

FHFA Issues Subpoenas for PLS Documents

Hat tip Calculated Risk for pointing us to the FHFA Issues Subpoenas for PLS Documents at the FHFA website. CR notes that Many of the originators of the PLS mortgages are no longer in business (New Century, etc.), however most of the PLS issuers still exist. Update: From the The Washington Post Fannie and Freddie […]

Lunch and schools

Tom Colicchio comments on HR5504 – Improving nutrition for America’s Children using a personal example to illustrate his point that obesity can be symptom of poverty. Currently obesity is a problem for more of us than we care to admit, and most worrisome for kids. More recently, my wife [filmmaker Lori Silverbush] started mentoring a […]

How Changes in State & Local Tax Burdens Affect Growth in Per Capita Income

by Mike Kimel How Changes in State & Local Tax Burdens Affect Growth in Per Capita Income Cross posted at the Presimetrics Blog. I’ve had a number of posts recently looking at the effect of reductions in the tax burden during Presidential administrations or during (or just following) recessions and how those affected subsequent growth. […]

Election thinking

Mark Thoma hosted Robert Kuttner at Firedoglake, the introduction begins with these words: It’s possible to give two very different interpretations of the Obama presidency so far. The first is a relatively positive interpretation. Proponents of this view argue that even though Obama has faced a united GOP willing and able to use filibusters to […]

Increasing internal demand in China for goods needs more thoughtful analysis

A shift to more internal demand for China might not benefit the US in ways we think it will. One such area is the impact of increased demand for resources and energy. And another is where the jobs are. China Puts Up More Money to Build Solar Capacity The government-owned China Development Bank has just […]

Procurement of big ticket items

Follow up to the US military ‘procurement and research’ increases post: $25 billion for the first new aircraft carrier, $9 billion for per for another one or two each. Aircraft Builders Compete for Air Force Tanker Contract Again 24/7 Wall St.: Maybe the third time will be the charm. Today marks the closing date for […]

…and thereby improving our exports.

by Stormylifted from an e-mail –and thereby improving our exports. Some background: Presently, Colombia enjoys a healthy trade surplus with the U.S. “Colombia’s biggest surpluses in the January-April period were with the U.S., at $2.325 billion, and with the Netherlands, at $425 million.” Colombia also is actively promoting its sourcing capabilities: “Colombia’s IT sector already […]

I am late to the news, but so far reported on healthcare law implementation: 1., a new online portal where anyone can go to find insurance options in their state, went live. It’s a very handy resource for information that used to be difficult to find. It’s available to help millions who need insurance […]

Nursing Home Regulatory Fiasco – PART I

by Tom aka Rusty NURSING HOME REGULATORY FIASCO – PART I Nursing homes are subject to a two part interactive regulatory system (plus several others) used to calculate certain reimbursement levels. The Minimum Data Set 2.0 (MDS) is a clinical reporting system that is supposed to improve care by having nurses do more paperwork (more […]