Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Birth year and partisanship

The New York Times has a wonderful graphic miss-urled How the Year You Were Born Influences Your Politics. Jon Chait points out that this URL (and a tweet) are accurate only if you are white (he doesn’t add that it only works if you are also a US citizen). I think you will enjoy clicking […]

Comment on Del Negro, Giannoni & Schorfheide (2014)

I would like to try to critique Del Negro, Giannoni & Schorfheide (2014) “Inflation in the Great Recession and New Keynesian Models” h/t Brad DeLong. Before the jump I have to say 3 things 1) I have just skimmed the paper. I didn’t work through the equations. 2) I am very hostile to the whole […]

Stopping Job Piracy in Dayton, Denver,… and maybe even Kansas City

As I have reported before, job piracy is a big problem in metropolitan areas like New York City and Kansas City. Giving subsidies to relocate existing facilities is a net loss for the country and for the region as well. The flip side is that the existence of job piracy makes it possible for companies […]

Fixing the Border Crisis and Social Security in One Go

Stay with me here. Because I am almost serious about this proposal. Or at least it highlights the contradictions (while not Heightening the Contradictions). The Border Crisis: tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors crossing the U.S. border. Social Security ‘Crisis’: per ‘Reformers’ one that is driven by pure demography – too few future workers to […]


by Dale Coberly For some time now the Social Security Trustees have been reporting in the “media” using scare tactics like this: “Social Security Going Broke Sooner Than We Thought! Faces [fill in the blank] Trillion Dollar Deficit!” And I have tried to explain that what those numbers mean is that we need to raise […]