Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

The War on Private Citizens and Organizations Feeding the Homeless

It has been the political right’s mantra of welfare and charity being best done by private organizations rather than be government sponsored. 50 years have passed since President Johnson declared war on poverty. It was declared an abject failure by the right as it did not make people independent nor did it make people want […]

Has Tyler Cowen Updated His Priors on Wealth Concentration and Inequality?

Noah Smith has documented the “anti-Piketty crusade” by Tyler Cowen, Chairman and General Director of the Koch-brothers-funded Mercatus Center. (The post seems to have gone missing from Noah’s site [pourquoi?]; here’s Google’s cached version.) The latest from Cowen is here, joining in the right-wing chorus desperately trying to debunk the long and widely documented increase in wealth inequality (documented […]

Is the Right to Carry and Bear Arms Absolute? Or Situational? Or Depending on the Arms Bearer?

I am probably not the only one to suspect that no matter how Second Amendment Friendly your local white-owned Southern retail establishment might be, there might be a little frisson (a Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey word) of fear when this group of “responsible gun owning” citizens simply exercising their Second Amendment Rights to open carry […]

Marginal Consumption per Employee & Effective Demand

What is Effective Demand? Keynes made it a central concept of his great General Theory book. But what is it? Well, the idea is that there is only so much demand in the population for products. And that low demand can keep the economy from reaching full employment. How does that work? Keynes pointed to […]

Private Equity limited lease agreements

Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism lists posts and links to documents on private equity agreements well worth taking the time to read through and comment. The list is extensive so best go there. Dean Baker weighs in today as well in the Wall Street pension scam via Truth Out. We anticipate that some of you […]

Protesting Madame Lagarde (what is the IMF doing now?)

by Joseph Joyce   Protesting Madame Lagarde The protests at Smith College that led to the withdrawal of Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, as this year’s commencement speaker have been widely denounced as a manifestation of intolerance. They also demonstrate a lack of understanding of the IMF and the many changes […]

Fred Hiatt Thinks Obama Not War whooping Enough

by Barclay Rosser (reposted from Econospeak with permission from the author) Fred Hiatt Thinks Obama Not War whooping Enough In today’s Washington Post, editorial page editor, Fred Hiatt, has a column under his own name entitled, “A critique of Obama catches on.”  The critique amounts to Obama being “too passive” in foreign policy, with this […]

Thanks, But We Still Hate Obamacare!

Greg Sargent gets a great nugget from Democratic pollster Celinda Lake, who “recently conducted a statewide poll in Kentucky for an unnamed client and found that Kynect polls very positively, in contrast to Obamacare, which is underwater.” Kynect is the Kentucky version of the Affordable Care Act exchange. To the extent the polling is correct, […]

We Have No Idea What Our Capital is Worth

That headline makes quite a statement. But it’s true. The stock of so-called “financial capital,” or wealth — all the financial assets out there, which are ultimately claims on real capital — represents only the most tenuous long-term approximation of what our real capital is worth. Certainly true: the stock (total dollar value) of “financial capital” goes up […]