Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Estate tax and extension of Bush cuts generally

by Linda Bealecrossposted with Ataxingmatter Estate tax and extension of Bush cuts generally According to an interview with Treasury’s Michael Mundaca reported in the Wall St. J. today (Sept. 13, 2010), Congress and the Obama administration are discussing a possible bill to allow estates that pass in 2010 to have the 2009 or the 2010 […]

Genetic Information, Health Insurance, and "Socialized Medicine

by Maxine Udallre-posted Maxine Udall Girl Economist with authors permission Genetic Information, Health Insurance, and “Socialized Medicine” Brad Delong provides an excellent blog about U Cal’s genetic testing of students and the likely ways in which genetic information would be used by private health insurers, not to manage risk better, but to sort on it […]

Corporate Tax Rates and Unemployment

by Mike Kimel Corporate Tax Rates and UnemploymentCross posted at the Presimetrics blog. Update: Reader JzB has noted that a large drop in the top marginal rate that appears in graph two may not have occurred. At this point I think I made a transcription error in pulling the data. I will check the numbers […]

Private-sector leverage says that it’s not Bill Clinton

What’s your answer? “Thinking about the past few decades… to the best of your knowledge, which ONE of the following U.S. Presidents do you think did the best job of managing the economy?” Bill Clinton Ronald Reagan Barack Obama Lyndon B. Johnson George W. Bush Richard Nixon That’s question #11 of the the Allstate-National Journal […]

The mask slips some more

by Dan Crawford National Review quotes Newt Gingrich: Citing a recent Forbes article by Dinesh D’Souza, former House speaker Newt Gingrich tells National Review Online that President Obama may follow a “Kenyan, anti-colonial” worldview. Gingrich says that D’Souza has made a “stunning insight” into Obama’s behavior — the “most profound insight I have read in […]

How would a government shutdown work?

by Bruce Webb Because I don’t get it. The U.S. government operates on a Fiscal Year basis meaning that next year starts on Sept 30th. Which means, far as I know that government operations, including implementation of HCR, are funded right through the next Sept 30th (because I don’t think there are important Appropriations bills […]

Why aren’t the law and order types excited?

by Linda Bealecrossposted with Ataxingmatter “More On UBS and Whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld The Washington correspondent for Feature Story News, Daniel Ryntjes, interviewed Bradley Birkenfeld in jail recently. You can find the audio interview and other items on the UBS banking secrecy case, at this link. Birkenfeld says that most of the US clients were “sophisticated […]

Bond bubble

There is still a lot of talk about the bond bubble with so many people expressing their opinions about bond yields being too low. Maybe. But I thought it might be informative to show that my bond valuation model says that bondyields are almost exactly where this “objective” analysis says they should be. Yes, it […]