Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

The Event Horizon

When is an event ? Yesterday Janet Yellen said Event studies can therefore be helpful in gauging the financial market effects of such communications. [skip] Last August, the FOMC announced that it would begin reinvesting principal payments on agency MBS and agency debt into longer-term Treasury securities, and over the subsequent couple of months or […]

The Phillips Cure

House spending cuts hurt U.S growth -Goldman Sachs By Richard Cowan WASHINGTON | Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:50pm EST [fair use skip] “Under the House passed spending bill, the drag on GDP growth from federal fiscal policy would increase by 1.5pp (percentage points) to 2pp in Q2 and Q3 compared with current law,” according to […]


Last year many economists argued that the economy needed more quantitative easing which would drive down real interest rates (whether by driving down long maturity nominal rates or by driving up expected inflation). The counter argument is that quantitative easing is not effective if there is a liquidity trap. Well we now have QE2 (since […]

Hot TIPS tips !

Many people are afraid that US inflation is about to accelerate. I think they are totally irrational, but the point is that they can be useful too. Most people in the USA don’t know about Treasury Inflation Protected Securities with payments indexed to the CPI. The inflation chicken littles would be delighted to invest in […]

Measuring GDP Growth

Only rarely do I think that Kevin Drum would benefit from having studied economics more in college. He almost always seems to understand economics issues better than most professional economists. Therefore I jump on an error, which, I suspect must be very widespread if Drum made it. He wrote the contribution of the airline industry […]

Dividends/GDP have gone up a lot

Karl Smith notes that the ratio of total Dividends to GDP increased from 2 to 5% since 1980 (it was 6% before the crash). He is amazed that he didn’t know this already. I am amazed that I didn’t know this already. I must admit that economists are even more determined to ignore anything which […]

Were economists wrong because of economic incentives ?

Matthew Yglesias writes Ragu Rajan … his explanation of why economists didn’t predict the crisis: I would argue that three factors largely explain our collective failure: specialization, the difficulty of forecasting, and the disengagement of much of the profession from the real world. Rajan glosses a leading alternative hypothesis thusly: Finally, an answer that is […]

The Octopus of Microsoft Will Sing it’s Swan Song

What is the point of BING ? Brad DeLong notes that Microsoft’s web operations are losing amazing amounts of money, and asks how that is even possible. Google notes that Bing sure seems to be using their product without attribution. They made up words and then constructed google searches which gave results when asked to […]

GDP per Household and Average Household Income

Paul Krugman notes that average household income has grown markedly less than GDP per household since 1973. He discusses the two most important factors. The cost of employee benefits (health insurance) have increased more than wages and are not counted in personal income, and household income is top coded — the very highest incomes are […]