Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Paul Krugman vs. … um … me. [Updated.]

No, no; of course, I don’t mean that Paul Krugman has expressly disputed something I wrote here on AB.  Or that he has ever read a post of mine.  Or that he knows that I exist.  Those latter two things have happened, but only in my dreams. The first of those has never happened at […]

Guest post: Affairs, Domestic and Foreign

by Joseph Joyce Affairs, Domestic and Foreign Raghuram Rajan, ex- faculty member of the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago, ex-head of the research department of the IMF research head, and currently Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (its central bank), set off a storm of comment when he warned of […]

Just Go Read

As I said on Facebook, it appears that Tim Armstrong—who got paid $12 million last year alone as CEO of the dead-on-its-feet AOL—is even more of an asshole than anyone previously believed. The pull quote: Until the morning I woke up in labor, every exam indicated that our daughter was perfectly healthy. In fact, had […]

Apple has some money burning a hole in its pocket

Getting real about Apple’s $100 billion stock buyback.  Updated* So I was hearing some where that Apple has a lot of money just burning a hole in it’s pocket. Seems there’s an arson named Carl Icahn trying to really ignite it by using twitter. Apple has implemented a plan to spend $100 billion of it’s […]

More national income diverted to capital in 2013 than 2012…

Let’s compare 2012 to 2013. From 4th quarter 2011 to 4thQ-2012, real GDP rose $294 billion. During that time, capital income fell $225 billion, while labor income grew $519 billion. From 4thQ-2012 to 4thQ-2013, real GDP rose $432 billion. During that time, capital income grew $444 billion while labor income fell $12 billion. Granted there […]