Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

I like this Ed Kilgore post

by Robert Waldmann I like this Ed Kilgore post Ed Kilgore wrote (among other things) “accept the validity of other religions”, ” Erick Erickson’s denials that I’m a Christian at all”, “the confusion of belief with fundamentally secular efforts to advance laissez-faire capitalism, American nationalism (and sometimes militarism), partriarchal family structures, and what God-hater Ayn […]

Cash troubles in Afghanistan…

I have a student in Afghanistan. He reports that capital flows are disrupting business there. He says that foreign and domestic money is leaving the country. The most important thing he tells me is that businesses are not paying wages. Many businesses have not paid wages in the past 3 months. He says that many […]

Propane, drying corn, and cold winter

RB Energy describes the problems with commercial and residential propane markets: We’ve been talking a lot over the past year about the need for increasing exports to balance the U.S propane market as growth in production from gas processing plants outruns domestic demand.  U.S. propane production from gas processing has increased by over 100 Mb/d […]