Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Iran and live call

Today at 11:00 a.m. (EST), join three contributors to the new Foreign Affairs ebook Iran and the Bomb 2: A New Hope—CFR Senior Fellow Elliott Abrams, Brookings Institution Senior Fellow Suzanne Maloney, and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Vice President George Perkovich—for a discussion about the continuing negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 over Iran’s […]

The Conservative Case for a Minimum Wage Hike

Most conservatives disparage minimum-wage laws with straightforward economic reasoning, based on Econ 101 textbook theory: demand curves slope down. If you institute a price floor, raising the price of labor, you’ll get less labor demanded — less jobs. This hurts poor people, especially entry-level folks like teenagers. At first blush, the argument’s got legs. And […]

Why No Social Security Posts on Angry Bear?

Because we won. Or more precisely I won. Because we are not that much closer to the adoption of the Coberly inspired Northwest Plan than before, despite the fact that similar plans poll spectacularly positive. But mostly all the ‘Reform’ plans for an ‘unsustainable’ Social Security system are running scared from the Senator Warren and […]

Economists look foolish by not seeing what Central Bankers see… small output gap

Antonio Fatas writes that the central bankers are estimating smaller output gaps in Europe, the UK and the US. I have been saying for a year that potential GDP is far less than the CBO estimate. But other economists have been sticking to the claim that the output gap is still quite large.  Economists do […]

The Global Labor Glut

Ryan Avent’s excellent post at The Economist finally provides me the impetus to respond to Josh Mason’s comments on my recent post. I suggested:  What we have instead of a Global Savings Glut is: 1. A Global Labor Glut: more human effort and ability available than is needed to provide goods that provide high aggregate […]

Been There, Done That

by Joseph Joyce Been There, Done That     President Barak Obama has nominated Stanley Fischer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Board, where he will succeed Janet Yellen as Vice-Chair of the Board. Fisher’s accomplishments are well-known. But he also brings an interesting set of credentials to the Board at a time […]