Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Tax loopholes to envy

Andrew Ross Sullivan in Dealbook points to some benefits Looking at some corporate tax loopholes ordinary citizens may envy to acknowledge tax day…not very comprehensive, but a quick read. Two are listed here: U.S. PIRG highlighted a study conducted by the Government Accountability Office in 2005 that found that of 34 settlements worth more than […]

Private ownership of public infrastructure… A doom of inequality

It is happening as I feared. Hilary Russ writes… Private money, public projects: More U.S. states doing deals. The movement has started for private funds to own public infrastructure. This is the entrenchment of inequality, which will be very hard to reverse. So why do I fear private ownership of public infrastructure? From what I […]

How Much Will You Pay for Health Care in 2015? What You Need to Know About Healthcare Inflation

Maggie Mahar: You probably have seen headlines like this one: “O-Care premiums to skyrocket.” The warning, which was posted on The Hill, seemed designed to cheer conservatives distraught by Obamcare’s enrollment numbers. It began by announcing that next year, “premiums will double in some parts of the country. The sticker shock will likely bolster the […]

John Roberts Unwittingly Paves the Way for Eventual Wholesale Liberal Judicial Repeal of Statutes, Too

Chief Justice Roberts’ attempt to portray his decision in McCutcheon v. FEC as minimalist actually shows just how far from minimalist it is. According to the Chief Justice, no one should worry about the consequences of the Court’s decision because “there are multiple alternatives available” that would accomplish the Government’s asserted interest without, in the majority’s view, […]

Three Expensive Milliseconds

Paul Krugman references a paper by NYU Stern School of Business Associate Professor Thomas Philippon that “puts it at several hundred billion dollars per year.”   Three Expensive MillisecondsPaul KriugmanNew York Times Op-EdApril 13, 2014 (April 14th, 2014 Edition) …Mr. Philippon starts with the familiar observation that finance has grown much faster than the economy […]

ALEC: Destroying the American Economy, One State at a Time

The American Legislative Exchange Council — which authors ultra-conservative legislation and promulgates it to state legislatures nationwide — has a little index measure of states’ “competitiveness,” which supposedly results in greater prosperity for those states that rank highly. Does it? Let’s let the numbers speak for themselves: Source (PDF). Cross-posted at Asymptosis.