Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Uncertainty for a Recovering Bayesian Fortune Teller

Attention conservation notice. This is a comment on a Five year old Cosma Shalizi post which begins “Attention conservation notice: 2300 words of technical” h/t Brad DeLong Shalizi argues that a Bayesian must have absolute confidence that he knows the probability of any event — a diffuse prior just means that the probability that variables […]

Inversions Hurt Individual Investors, Too

Taken from gated post from Vanguard Fund Adviser: Inversions Hurt Individual Investors, Too As U.S. corporations move offshore to potentially avoid billions in U.S. taxes, they are sticking their shareholders with an unexpected tax burden over which investors have no control. The Joint Commission on Taxation, a non-partisan congressional research panel, estimates that the U.S. […]

Senator Elizabeth Warren Gets Indignant with Banker(s)

In 1998, the gov made it impossible to discharge federal student loans through bankruptcy except upon death, disability, or public service. The gov did provide certain measures to change payments then such as forbearance, economic forbearance (no interest for 3 years), and payment change. In 2005 private student loan originators lobbied to have the same […]

Heiner Flassbeck… a great economist speaks on wage share

At the 9:40 minute point of this video, Heiner Flassbeck says… “… But even people who are asking for more expansionary fiscal policies like Larry Summers or Paul Krugman, they are not talking about intervention in the labor market, but this is what is absolutely needed because there is the imbalance. It has nothing to […]

Is 6.2% the NAIRU?

News was released today that unemployment was 6.2% in July. How close are we to the natural rate of unemployment, or as some might say the NAIRU. In my research into effective demand, I track the natural rate of unemployment. How do I determine the natural rate of unemployment? … By comparing unemployment to the […]

How We Reduce Poverty, and How “The Market” Doesn’t

Matt Bruenig gives us a great breakdown of what poverty would look like if we relied on the market to solve it (as we did almost exclusively for thousands of years before the emergence of enlightened modern welfare states over the last two centuries). The poverty rate among the elderly would be > 45%. (Old […]

The USA is a Left of Center Nation

The USA is a left of center nation given the center defined by elites. This is my off topic thought (and comment) on a brilliant post on money and politics at The Monkey Cage. Ray LaRaja and Brian Schaffner note that parties give to centrist incumbents (likely to be in seriously contested seats) and argue […]