Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Ballooning Finance: How Financial Innovation Produces Overgrowth and Busts

Via Naked Capitalism: Ballooning Finance: How Financial Innovation Produces Overgrowth and Busts Yves here. It’s a welcome surprise to see economists devise a model that delivers generally sensible results. Here, three economists looked at how financial innovation leads to an bloated financial sector as well as greatly increasing the risk of meltdown. One quibble is […]

Nevada is Biggest Loser of Tesla Auction

On September 4, Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval announced that electric car-maker Tesla had chosen Nevada for the location of its much sought-after Gigafactory. Contrary to its claim that it wanted $500 million, Tesla in fact wanted speed plus the highest bidder. As I analyzed last month, a $500 million subsidy would have been relatively low […]

Overlay of Effective Demand rule upon Taylor and Rudebusch rules

Tim Duy posted a graph of various rules to determine the base nominal interest rate of the Federal Reserve. Here is the graph that he posted. (link) The graph includes versions of the Taylor rule and the modified Taylor rule used by Glenn Rudebusch at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Now I will […]

Full D.C. Circuit Court Will Rule on PPACA Subsidies

King v. Burwell [Cert] and Halbig v. Burwell) arrived at the DC COA in hopes of defunding (Ted Cruz’s top priority dream) the PPACA. Initially, a 3 judge panel ruled 2-1 striking down the funding of the PPACA based upon an earlier IRS interpretation of PPACA Section 1311 stating “Exchanges established by States.” Section 36B […]

The Primary & Huge Error of Macroeconomics… Potential Output

What is the primary error in macroeconomics? Potential output… and this error is huge. The measure of potential output is the foundation for many calculations. Natural real interest rate Natural level of unemployment Monetary policy Slack If you get these wrong, there will be problems. Paul Krugman wrote an article for the IMF, Increasing Demand. […]

A Definition of Money Is Not Sufficient, But it Is Necessary to Understand Economies

Paul Krugman takes aim today at me (though he doesn’t know me from shinola), and others of my ilk who are at least somewhat obsessed with coming to a coherent definition of “money.” …people who spend too much time thinking about money in general — specifically, on trying to decode money’s true meaning and find the […]

Chickens vs. A Turkey

Okay, so most of you who don’t live in Iowa (and most of you don’t live in Iowa, since it’s not a populous state) probably are unaware that the outcome of the election to replace retiring progressive Iowa senator Tom Harkin—which in turn may determine party control of the Senate—may turn on a dispute between […]

Vacuum around Effective Demand in Secular Stagnation ebook

I have been reading the ebook on Secular Stagnation. It is interesting that two sections in the book have the titles… Three Issues: Potential Growth, Effective Demand and Sclerosis Further on Effective Demand Great! We see the term Effective Demand being used. Yet, Effective demand is never defined in the book. Moreover, the term is […]

Fisher Effect & Euro Crisis

The ECB raised its benchmark rate in 2011 from 1.0% to 1.5%. Since then the rate has moved down to 0.15%. After their benchmark rate was raised in 2011, the Euro area went into a recession. Did the ECB cause the recession by raising their benchmark nominal rate? Some say yes. I say the story […]