Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Economists: Lawyers? Shysters? Touts?

Paul Krugman has taken aim at the profession here and here. It is not just being wrong sometimes…   by Sandwichman at Econospeak writes: Economists: Lawyers? Shysters? Touts? “Basically, a lot of economists use the tools of science to accomplish literary– or lawyerly — goals.” — Noah Smith, Economics Isn’t Science or Literature If that’s […]

How should your community manage its water?

By David Zetland at Aguanomics, author of Living with Water Scarcity [free download for Angry Bear members] How should your community manage its water? MB asked one last question after my AWRA seminar: You said that each location should decide which system/structure they think is best for their context, but in the places you’ve traveled […]

1/3 of Medicare Spending is Wasted

Urban Legend— You write: That claim that one-third of Medicare spending is wasted sounds pretty questionable to me.” This is your opinion. If you had spent the last 20 years working as a medical researcher investigating unnecessary treatment, your opinion would be of great interest to all of us; but, I’m assuming you have not […]

Measuring the Speed of Consuming Slack

How fast is slack consumed? How can we measure the speed at which slack is consumed? We can use capacity utilization and unemployment to set up a simple measure for consuming slack by dividing capacity utilization by the unemployment rate in terms of percentage change year-over-year. (Thanks to Alan Thomson at Terra Firma Financial who […]

In the mind of Janet Yellen

In a speech by Janet Yellen on April 11, 2012, she talked about her preferred version of the Taylor rule to determine the Federal Funds rate. The Taylor (1993) rule calls for the federal funds rate to begin rising in early 2013, whereas the Taylor (1999) rule has its liftoff in early 2015, a lot […]

Understanding Piketty, part 5 (conclusion)

Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century is the first book to make a data-driven examination of economic inequality. Based on hundreds of years worth of data, it attempts to determine the long-term trends in inequality and the social and political consequences that follow from them. In this final post, I want to highlight the most […]

Should Policy Rate Rules include Utilization of Labor AND Capital?

I posted a graph where I overlaid the Effective Demand rule over the Taylor rule variations done by Tim Duy. You can see differences between the rules since the crisis. Why the difference? And does the difference matter? Basic Taylor rule Target Fed rate = natural real rate + inflation + 0.5*(inflation – inflation target) […]