Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Krugman Paints an incomplete Picture

I was reading today Paul Krugman’s article, Why Weren’t Alarm Bells Ringing? He is painting a picture of how the crisis formed and secular stagnation followed. It seems that he is trying to paint a complete picture so that anyone could understand the crisis completely just from reading his post. However, he is missing an […]

USPS and more

Via Daily Kos comes this reminder of a local issue reflecting national politics: One year and two months after the idea was first floated, legislation to rezone Berkeley’s Historic Civic Center, including the US Post Office property at 2000 Allston Way, became law last night. Why is this of interest to anyone outside of Berkeley? […]

Pavlina Tcherneva rightly says it is better to support labor income in a recovery rather than the financial sector.

The title of this post describes the main message of Pavlina Tcherneva’s research. This video is a “must see”. If her message becomes part of the policy approach for the next recovery, we will see much better net social benefits for society after the next recession. (video link)

Unskewing Polls

I clicked on this story at Daily Kos to have a laugh about how unskewing isn’t just for conservatives any more and am very alarmed to find myself almost partly convinced. I confess that I have fallen into at least the near occasion of unskewing. Can We Really Trust YouGov? by Tyler Yeargain If you […]

Read Jeff Madrik

Note to self: read more Jeff Madrik (hey he wrote books which I haven’t read) but for now read his very interesting and stimulating Op-ed “Our Misplaced Faith in Free Trade” do click the link. After the jump, I will steal fair use the whole op-ed with my comments (is that called fisking ?) but […]

Amazon and Hachette: What’s Really at Issue?

I just sent the following to David Streitfeld, the main reporter covering this dispute for the New York Times. If any of my gentle readers has an answer, I’d love to hear it: Dear Mr. Streitfeld: What I have never found in any coverage (perhaps I’ve missed it?): What is the precise dispute between Amazon and […]

Explaining “The most important chart about the American economy you’ll see this year”

See update at bottom. Pavlina Tcherneva’s chart has been getting a lot of play out there: Vox/Matthew Yglesias labeled it “The most important chart about the American economy you’ll see this year.” Scott Winship at Fortune came back at it on methodological grounds, with the headline “No, the Rich Are Not Taking All of the Economic Pie (In […]

Sooo …. which of Obama’s economic policies do you want to repeal or defeat, Repubs?? And replace those policies with whose–I mean, what–economic policies, exactly? Do tell!

Barack Obama wanted to galvanize Democrats when he insisted this week that his economic policies are on the ballot in November. Instead, the soundbite has already become the centerpiece of new Republican attack ads. Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell uses the clip in a new commercial, shared first with POLITICO. Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts turned his own […]

Repeal LyndonJohnsonCare?

While I was reading an article on the web this morning from my phone, up popped one of those incessant anti-Obama/anti-Obamacare “take-a-survey” ads—one of those little square red-and-white-bordered things with a goofy-looking picture of Obama on it.  My laptop software blocks these things, so I was lucky enough to have not seen one of those […]