Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Why are 5-year Inflation Expectations declining so much?

Comments are requested for this post. Please give your opinions below… Looking out 5 years from now, what average inflation rate is the market perceiving? (link to graph) The market’s perception of inflation over the next 5 years has declined to near 1.5%. Why are 5-year inflation expectations steadily dropping so much? Is it oil […]

New government accounting standards to require subsidy disclosure

In a move with potentially enormous implications, Good Jobs First reports that the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) will soon issue new draft rules for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for governments. Don’t fall asleep; this could be awesome! As regular readers know, one of the things bedeviling subsidy debates is the lack of transparency […]

Persistently Low Fed Rate… Financial Instability is not the problem, decreased Net Social Benefits is

Brad DeLong has a post on whether a persistently ultra-low interest rates leads to financial instability. Pointing to financial instability is pointing in the wrong direction. It is better to point toward net social benefits. A persistently low Fed rate will lead to decreased net social benefits. Here is what Keynes said in chapter 22 […]

Stocks react to FOMC minutes… Happy that profits protected, but unaware that Net Social Benefits will decrease

Today at 2 pm Eastern time, the minutes of the September FOMC meeting were made public. And the stock markets shot up like a rocket. The minutes basically show that the Fed is concerned about Europe and other overseas economies and the strong dollar. Why would the stock market shoot up on bad news? The […]

Integral and Indispensable to the regular duties, Your govenment says this defines if you get paid

Update below. From a Salon interview with  Catherine Ruckelshaus, general counsel and program director for the National Employment Law Project comes this case being argued today in the Supreme’s Court: Integrity Staffing Solutions, Inc. v. Busk We tend not to hear much about Supreme Court cases until there’s an imminent ruling, much less before oral arguments have […]

Mike Huckabee points the way to nullifying Citizens United and McCutcheon v. FEC: Enforcing the enabling-legislation requirement!

Unlike in Wisconsin, same-sex marriage prohibitions in South Carolina and Wyoming weren’t stricken directly, but rather as a consequence of circuit court rulings against bans in nearby states. And Republicans there are intent on dragging their heels. Rather than accepting defeat, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and Wyoming Governor Matt Mead both plan to enforce their state SSM bans […]

California, watersheds, and using water

At Angry Bear and other sites a common proposal in comments is to bring increasing amounts of water from other watersheds into the area or desalination. It often stays at an abstract and macro level, or as a pitch for conservation at the urban/suburban level for low water volume devices to use at home. Surely […]

Turns out that farm subsidies aren’t the only federal program Joni Ernst won’t vote to kill if she wins that Senate race. There’s one more federal program she wants to keep.

Ernst likes FEMA and wants to keep it!  So does her father.  This even though some blue states benefit from it sometimes, too! Go figure. She won’t even squawk about appropriations for it.  Then again, she’s a turkey, not a chicken.  So she might cluck.   —- APPENDED: From the Comments thread here: EMichael / October 8, 2014 10:55 […]