Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Volatility in the Emerging Markets

by Joseph Joyce Volatility in the Emerging Markets Volatility has returned to the financial markets. Stock prices in the U.S. have fallen from their September highs, and the return on 10-year Treasury bonds briefly fell below 2%.  Financial markets in emerging markets have been particularly hard hit,. The Institute for International Finance estimates that $9 […]

By Default or Design: The Demise of the Postal Service

Guest Post by Mark Jamison, retired Postmaster Webster, N.C. This post originally appeared on Save The Post Office Blog. This is Part 2 of three posts and following Invisible Hands: The Businessman’s Campaign to Dismantle the Post Office. Default.  It’s an ugly and dangerous word.  It gives the impression that the individual or enterprise attached […]

Alison Lundergan Grimes vs. The Kentucky Newspaper Editorial Boards That Endorsed Her Today

Two major Kentucky newspapers have endorsed Alison Lundergan Grimes for Senate over incumbent Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R). The Courier-Journal and the Lexington Herald-Leader both ran editorials Sunday in support of the Democrat, who currently serves as Kentucky’s Secretary of State. In its endorsement, the Courier-Journal’s editorial board praised Grimes’ stance on issues like the minimum wage […]

So why not use easy money all the time?

Paul Krugman writes about QE and easy money as being beneficial for the bulk of Americans. But he gives reasons that could justify using easy money all the time, even in healthy business cycles. He says… “The bottom three-quarters of the wealth distribution basically has no investment income.” This fact applies all the time in […]

Low flush fallacies

David writes a short and ‘meant to encourage discussion’on retail level water use and campaigns to ‘save’ water. In short, the question/answer involves taking a look at what the whole cycle is for your watershed, which many of us are only vaguely aware. The comments that follow at Aguanomics are helpful in considering responses. by […]

Brad DeLong is Soooo right about Labor Share & Effective Demand… YEAH!

Brad DeLong responds to Paul Krugman’s post on The Profits-Investment Disconnect. Why are profits high, but investment low? Brad DeLong says… “Profits are not high now because demand is high, throughput is high, and capacity is being fully used. Profits are high now because the labor share is unusually low. Firms almost surely, given the […]

Two little comments on Matt O’Brien

The main point (if any) is that wonkblog without Ezra Klein is still excellent. Matt O’Brien wrote an excellent post on what’s wrong with Europe. It includes an excellent intro to Krugmanian macro and a description of the problem. I had two tiny comments. O’Brien discusses “structural reform” well, but accepts the German view that […]


Back in 2007 the state of Florida changed the way to insure beach properties and is mentioned at Angry Bear here. Reuters reports here here and Waters edge crisis. SEASIDE SOCIALISM Breakneck development at the shore has trapped Florida in a costly Sisyphean effort to maintain its perpetually eroding beaches. More than a tourist attraction, […]

Chris Christie Says We Should Not Treat Ebola Patients, Because No One Wants Their Kids to Get Ebola, and Anyway We’re Trying to Develop an Ebola Vaccine.

Okay, here’s what Christie actually said: I’m tired of hearing about the minimum wage. I really am. I don’t think there’s a mother or father sitting around the kitchen table tonight in America saying, ‘You know, honey, if our son or daughter could just make a higher minimum wage, my God all of our dreams would be […]