Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Election Predictions

Happy Election Day! Update: To check live results for the Senate Race as each state closes, go here; Huff X Pollster; Election 2014 For weeks now, I have been following Sam Wang’s election notes on the Princeton Election Consortium blog leading up to today’s election. I hope he is wrong; but, it “appears” the best […]

Nia-Malika Henderson has the same trouble Ernst does with understanding clear, sequential sentences

For those who don’t know, Nia-Malika Henderson is a political reporter for the Washington Post’s politics blog The Fix.  I am neither of fan generally of that blog (with the exception of one of its regulars, Sean Sullivan, and one or two of the several others) nor a fan specifically of Henderson—who, best as I […]

Not quite EVERY national indicator, Ms. Grimes

“He thinks that another six years on top of the 30 he’s already had constitutes change, well we don’t buy that,” Grimes said. “He thinks that we can’t live without his seniority, well has he seen that we’re at the bottom of every national indicator that’s out there? Henderson, are ya’ll better off after having […]

Is Joni Ernst ACTUALLY That Stupid? Or Does She Just Think Most Women Are?

What Joni Ernst said Tom Harkin said about her: Iowan GOP Senate candidate Joni Ernst responded on Monday that she was “very offended” by Sen. Tom Harkin’s comments comparing her looks to Taylor Swift. “I was very offended that Sen. Harkin would say that, I think it’s unfortunate that he and many in their party believe that […]

Consumers’ (accurate) bifurcated take on the economy – and why that isn’t good for Democrats

(Dan here.  The last graph is an eye opener) by New Deal democrat  (originally published at the Bonddad blog) Consumers’ (accurate) bifurcated take on the economy – and why that isn’t good for Democrats Naked Capitalism picked up a piece from Wolf Richter the other day entitled  The shrinking piece of a barely growing economy: […]

The Silence of the Lambs

Update appended. ___ Last week, dozens of Republican volunteers packed Mr. Gardner’s campaign offices in the college towns of Boulder and Fort Collins to get a handshake or selfie with the amped-up candidate. Spotting a boy in a Denver Broncos football jersey, Mr. Gardner whipped out his cellphone and showed him a photo of John […]

Hey, Alison Grimes, why not mention THIS? Ah … because it would require a sentence or two of substantive explanation.

Given the exceedingly favorable atmosphere for Republicans this fall, McConnell’s direction on Obamacare has been closely watched as he both battles for reelection against Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes and as the GOP prepares for Senate control for the first time since 2006. McConnell’s office said there are multiple avenues that a GOP Senate would have […]