Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Public Works, Economic Stabilization and Cost-Benefit Sophistry

by Sandwichman (reposted from Econospeak) Public Works, Economic Stabilization and Cost-Benefit Sophistry I. Public Works and Economic Stabilization This is where it all began. The National Resources Board’s 1934 Report on National Planning and Public Works contained a radically different vision of the methods and purposes of conducting a cost benefit analysis than what has subsequently […]

The Political Science of Small-Government Science

If they had proper regard for science, politicians in both parties would fight harder against the devastating cuts to federal research that have happened under sequestration, endangering medical progress and jeopardizing our global leadership. And lawmakers trying to prove their fiscal prudence wouldn’t irresponsibly smear all scientific inquiry by cherry-picking and theatrically denouncing the most […]

Time to comment on the GASB standards!

As I reported last month, the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has proposed new rules that would require state and local governments to disclose subsidies in their financial reports. The proposal is now open for public comment from now until January 15, 2015. Good Jobs First, which has long advocated for this change in accounting […]

WHY THE DEMOCRATS LOST: Because they cannot win unless they explain Keynesian economics and inform the public of the dramatic reduction in federal spending and federal employment since 2010—and the consequences of it. Obama will not (or, intellectually, cannot) do that. So others must.

Yesterday, I wrote here in response to a statement by Greg Sargent that “McConnell’s only way to re-litigate Obama’s policies will remain budgetary guerrilla warfare that will only work if Obama allows it to work, which he won’t, which he won’t.”: McConnell’s only way to re-litigate Obama’s policies will remain budgetary guerrilla warfare that will only work […]

Do negative real rates return to their natural level?

Real rates are currently negative. (0.2% Fed rate minus 1.6% core inflation) Yet the natural real rate is estimated to be around +1.6% due to positive population growth and positive productivity growth. Normally the real rate  returns to its natural level. Will the real rate rise to its natural level in this business cycle? Real […]

Debate renewed for us Neo-Fisherites

Noah Smith opened the debate again on the Neo-Fisherite movement… What is the movement of which I partake as a Neo-Fisherite? When nominal rates are stuck, then changes in inflation will be compensated for by an equal and opposite change in the real rate. The equation is simple… constant nominal rate = real rate + […]

Greg Sargent confuses Obama with Elizabeth Warren. Or with Harry Reid. While Obama confuses the congressional Republicans with Michelle.

Presuming Republicans win the Upper Chamber, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will claim a new era of constructive governance has arrived, while simultaneously claiming a mandate to chip away at President Obama’s already achieved policy gains. (Those who profess a love for bipartisan cooperation will politely ignore this absurdity.) But McConnell’s only way to re-litigate […]

Why Tom Harkin Caved

Sen. Tom Harkin said Monday that he shouldn’t have compared Joni Ernst to singer Taylor Swift and added that “in no way did I intend to offend” the Republican Senate hopeful. “I shouldn’t have said those things, I know that. I regret anytime someone feels offended by what I have said,” the retiring Democrat said […]