Policing and a culture of protect and serve

mark twain

Dan here…In the middle and late eighties grants went out to train police on methods of intervention into domestic violence.  In my experience on the North Shore Boston, police chiefs seemed to agree this was the most dangerous situation officers faced on a routine basis.  There were also efforts to re-orient police departments to be more responsive to community needs…the push for this orientation to policing disappeared in the hysteria of “three strikes and your jailed” and privatizing jail services.

Police Chief Magazine

Community policing goes beyond simply putting officers on foot and bicycle patrols, or in neighborhood stations. It redefines the role of the officer on the street, from crime fighter to problem solver and neighborhood ombudsman. It forces a cultural transformation of the entire department, including a decentralized organizational structure and changes in recruiting, training, awards systems, evaluation, promotions, and so forth. Furthermore, this philosophy asks officers to break away from the binds of incident-driven policing and to seek proactive and creative resolution to crime and disorder.

Community Policing Series:

The Community Policing Series was published in the late 1980s and early 1990s by the National Center for Community Policing at Michigan State University’s School of Criminal Justice, with support from the C. S. Mott Foundation of Flint, Michigan. This article appeared in 1992.

Joe Lhota – RUDY’s Minnie Me – ran an incredibly racist campaign against De Blasio suggesting bringing back the Democrats would bring back crime. Of course, the last Democratic mayor was David Dinkins who just happened to be black. And of course, De Blasio is married to a black woman. What this only Republicans can reduce crime canard forgot to tell the voters was that the fall in the crime rate started under Dinkins who had the audacity to raise taxes so we could put more police on the street. Giuliani greatly benefitted from President Clinton’s efforts to have the Federal government assist local governments through The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services – something President Obama wants to extend.

But if we are serious about addressing issues such as crime as well as having more professional police departments, we need to spend the money. Update: Table 3.15.6. Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Function shows that real (2009$) government spending on “public order and safety” peaked in 2009 at $350.8 billion per year but was down to $339.8 billion per year in 2012. This austerity was bad macroeconomics and was generally a terrible idea.