How We Got Here, and Why We’re Not Getting Out, in One Paragraph

The NYT pretends that the Cuomo/Rattner battle is about personalities, but briefly let’s the mask slip:

Neither side seems willing to budge, each insisting he is the wronged party: the attorney general feels deceived and affronted, and the Wall Street money manager feels persecuted for conduct he views as standard business practice.

“‘Feels’ deceived and affronted” is Newspeak for:

The notes reveal a previously undisclosed 2007 meeting in which Mr. Rattner first provided his account to Mr. Cuomo’s investigators about how his private equity firm, Quadrangle Group, had obtained a $150 million investment from the pension fund. That account, investigators said, was later undercut by Mr. Rattner’s own e-mails, enraging Mr. Cuomo, who had extended Mr. Rattner deference and immunity from criminal prosecution.

Just hurt feelings; nothing to do with reality.